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Rise Of The Son In Law

Rise Of The Son In Law


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1659    |    Released on: 10/08/2023


's in-laws shrill voice rang from downstairs. He sighed as he stood up from scr

e stairs with her arms crossed a haughty and furious expression on her face while t

e kitchen been cleaned and the trash been taken out," she said. Kaiden ope

re soon," she said before she turned around and walked away. Kaiden sighed as he wal

ara for three years at the request of his grandfather. His grandfather made his final wish on his

she became cold and distant towards him. She would always be on her phone and would

seless man that had nothing but his pretty face instead of a rich and influential man but the head of

d his gold digger wife took over as the head of the family the abuse started. They forced

of his blind love for Isabel. As their family fortune grew so did th

Knight family was one of the richest families in the country with a net worth o

she still loved him and perhaps there was hope for their marriage after all. As he finished washing the dishes an

the Mason family mansion. He watched as Xavier stepped out of the car wearing a

r at the front door. Since they had to pass the kitchen on their way towar

xplaining how pleased she was that he was there. She then noticed Kaiden watching and her mood soured. " Wh

n as he shoots Kaiden a shit-eating grin accompanied by a wink.

nd a tray and then walked towards her room. Knocking on her room

plump lips with a curvaceous figure. As she opened her eyes she saw her husband closin

espite his best efforts, Kaiden couldn't help as his eyes wandered her body despite their b

three-year mark. Despite the old master's death, Kaiden still honoured

to cover her body in annoyance. " Are you here to tell me something or

so I brought you some lunch," he said. Clara's eyes widened a little her eyes soft

aid. Kaiden raised an eyebrow what's happening tonight? " Xavior and I

in an instant. " W..what are you talking about?" he asked. She just held up her hand sho

d I accepted," she said. Tears fell from Kaiden's eyes as the tray with the fo

lovely face " Have you how do you think I can be happy with a poor man like you, let's face it the only reason why I didn't divorce you right away was that I was respecting g

how many times?" he said. She frowned " What does that have to do with you?"

es and the last time resulted in my pregnancy, Xavier is the father of m

Clara frowned as she looked at him. She had expected him to continue weeping no

soon enough" he said standing up and walking towards the door.

h cold and calculating eyes. " Ask one of your fucking servants," he said.

to leave. All the maids and butlers moved out of his way seeing the stormy and cold expression. He

ungrateful bastard, if it wasn't for us taking you in you would be homeless

of your servants". She gasped as she looked at him. In all the years she's know

before stepping out the door and closing the door in her face. He could hea

that he hadn't dialed in years. After

s I'm co

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