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The Mate Contract

Chapter 4 Finding my Mate-2

Word Count: 1862    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


of the men separated the sisters, pulling Elsa by her

ed beside the tire of the car while the man watched his action silently without making a move. He lifted his las

going escape the moment he let go, he moved from

all three of them, and the thug was no match f

, these men wouldn't leave the girl so quickl

already reaching for his dagger and he found the case was empty! his da

e it. How did he get a hold of it??? the man gulped down, he was c

'Seriously?' if she wanted to be bought like a good, he would have given her

gaze from him, a total stranger had to see her in

pped his pistol in the man's mouth, "Splutter one mor

fted both hands in the air to show tha

ffed. he did not have to

he same time due to confusion. Bead-like sweat had come to form on his forehead. He did not expect to b

e others and he did just that, running as fast as he could and raising

st done negotiating with Edwin, they knew something was off. They all gathered and came out of

l their minds, 'What the

ldn't voice it out, his heart skipped a beat the moment he found these men outside, inwardly, he had an ounce of fear, he wanted to listen to them first befor

ned widely, taking steps forward, "You are tryi

is t

to make him understand. Poor thing." he tsked, his eyes moving to t

rest of you are going

ly drew out his gun from his hi

, forcing the gun out of his hand which caused an uproar among the others and it lead to

ould think he had so much strength but he was a mere human and Persia was a werewolf. He pushed

" said Nevan. He twisted the gang's boss' fingers, pulling and dragging them

" the man managed to

t giving an empty threat, I will kill you for real the next time I find you close to something which belongs t

ome had been brutalized and the others only had s

h him to his car, Persia was allowed to enter the jet-black limo with

while Elsa took a sea

ff. He took a quick draw and then changed the air with the smell of burnt cigar. He pushed himself back to relax w

w it to her,

rs from those round spectacle

ost important clause of the docum

oney I will give. Do you still remember what

legal documents. She did not understand some of the complex words and sentences on

ng to sell yourself for her safety right?" he asked sarcastically. Her head was

tiate your prize with us

sister's needs. I want to send her to a hostel by the time I l

ll give you five mi

nt at least eight mill

g myself to you to carry a child and by the looks of it, you'r

acting all greedy, but she was doing this to se

first impression of her was right... Even after offer

u such an amount,

ather's debt will cover

oked away, fiddling with her dress before speaking, "It's not entirely his faul

nod, they needed her service more than sh

moving in..

e my family before moving

e, and also, You're moving in today, you'll leave with us. Once you get out of this car,


move in, and then, the rest of it will be after you give my child to me. Read the contract carefully, every single thing

ave in the middle? He'd rather pile up her body amongst the people he

n shark people. I am more powerful than they will ever be. Your w

r family, he was using the things he

anger for a moment. She didn't want to do thi

ple along with Persia escorted her back home to pick up her things and then Nevan's c


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