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The Mate Contract

Chapter 2 Job Hunt

Word Count: 2070    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


was going for a better job. She hoped to find a better job than the one she already have. The employe


it the inside of her cheek, thinking of another option. she had so much hope leaving home this morning

to add something more to the pay," she cal

replied. The man had already made up his mind and there was no way she could convince him

glass from front to back. It had been there for a while,

asked the driver, he turned his

case she tries to run away, she should be surrou

ght they were after her, but on second thought, possibly, she was just imagining things, they were going on t

e cars' movement and waddled further, kicking some more st

think we should approach her and know if she agrees to ou

as placed under his temples

s mind if he wanted to do this ev

alled again to g

ed and the message was passed to the

so fast and come to

n seeing the ambush, she wondered if running back to th

ay when she saw another car, soon more cars a

ay this time, no doubt. She still hadn't gathered the money

en in black appeared with pistols hanging on

in between, A huge figure appeared from be

ands falling on the side of his face. He had Hazel eyes with a set of round spectacles settling at th

ine and also the lower part of the sleeves, His plaid scarf which was wrapped around h

his shirt, and trouser along wit

ng on the spot. Nevan come to stand a foot away from her, his hands settled in his pants' pocket, his eyes were fixated on her non-stop,

wolf instinct confirm the girl. there was a fading scent of her wolf in her, and by the looks, sh

turned away, going back to his car, leavin

t friend, Persia came forwa

e cars. They hadn't introduced themselves, Elsa wa

hivering, her father's nemesis finally caught up wit

nd they drove off. she was quiet the whole time, bead-like sweat forming on her forehead


lmost every single detail about you," Nevan stated. he pi

are you?" she asked, driftin

leader of the loan shark," h

good to pay, you were lookin

g about him that made her lose her

ffer and I hope you won't reject it," said Nevan's Bet

k to his seat which was placed in the middle of the room with yet anothe

to this thing, it was the third one he had lit sin

the paper

able in the middle of the room, the one which she noti

ng it so close that she felt like drooling at the sum, but he wasn't

you'll get if you agree to t

t knowing what they wanted from her. It was almost impossible for anyone to earn such an

round, that's—" she muttered the last word, "That's the weirde

ow of the humans, they were nothing

ought she was a bit interesting and wanted to hear more from her, perhaps it was a pretence sc

nvince her again but Nevan gestured t

hopped off... I also know about the deal the loanshark proposed to him about taking one of his daughters which they would proceed to do soon and s

your dea

ith you," he spoke sternl

a simpler meaning to his words even though

proven, that he was a freak, a psycho! she'd heard about these sort of men, per

ked, his voice pulling her

ant a child with

t me tell you why. I want to raise an heir, is that

ur story. It still lacks logic." She stood up wanting to leave. To

le she'd ever heard, how could he w

looked f

for the first time since she first saw him, a smile appeared on his face, e

job you're engaged in, seeing something which is a win-win situ

to give you a child? other women would be willin

about my offer,I have picked you to be

you're not permitted to reject, you'd be risking your family's life. I am more

ndered why the moon goddess would give him a weak and dormant girl as his mate, one who is naive and also stupid. he had so much on his mind and also the curse, he

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