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The Mate Contract

Chapter 3 Finding my Mate

Word Count: 2426    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


ths e

Nevan Brown-Daise came out. he was a handsome guy with

ee their reflection on them. As he came out of the car he felt someone watching him from the first floor, he looked around carefully and found no one and so he went into the mansion only t

k in his eyes, she knew he had questions to ask about why

and your father have been bothered ever since your Beta told us about the curse. Nevan, you're still young and you

don't need this

ack and watch my son die at an early age. I curse them, al

went in front of the woman, opening his hands for her. Even after being curse

he lines on his palm. studying

d if you don't get a child before your Thirty-fifth birthday

oing to kill Persia for telling his parents. He was ready to die with the curse, but not before

re time to waste. His mother wanted him to have a child so the

help you locate your mate if you want it." Nevan's mom moved closer to th

the bag with her, bringi

opes, and a pouch filled with needles. she brought out more things. Heldin

, she studied the forbidden magic that she was about to u

" she ordered. Nevan

thing while stabbing his palm with the need

e to pour blood from his bleeding hands into a small cup and then she turned to the old parchment paper which she spread on the table earlier, muttering

actions. her eyes were slowly changing into grey with

e from his surrounding. he saw blurry visions of himself in the middle of nowhere and his eye

er eyes were intriguing and he instantly felt compelled to hold her hand which he did, she was trying to tell him something when he fel

was clear enough and then he felt distant even though he could

his mother and the witch were beside him,

eyes to see the both

that shit next time." He got up and left and the both of them continued to stare at him. His

until he got to his room. He slammed the door open and

it used to so he couldn't han

mplained. He washed his face quickly


er and her sister were at home. her father had locked himself in his r

Elsa without bothering to tu

once like this until she eventually accepted the life they were living, unders

sked. Elsa shook her head. She did not get

ned to Elsa and Elsa could see pinch marks around her

.. he was going to take me to those men toda

am of tears from her sister's

ing to sell one of them just to pay back the debts. He did the same to her some two years back. first of all, he talked her into making a sacrifice that would save the

to you, I will protect you with my life." Elsa conso

where their family was whole again with their mother feeding them with her bare hand

father up in the air by his collar, "You haven't made a choi

est daughter to you yesterday, but we ha

sister to them. She wondered what did they both

he now?" as

th asleep in

h he knew it was wrong to give out his children this way, he still

pillars so he did not see her, her heart was racing loudly and she tried to hold the terror by pressing her hand on

, I am here to take her. Your debt is cleared." he announced. He dumbed

ed to him with a glare, waiting

ou'll be giving me 80,000 and t

u'd give us both girls, you'd be getting the 80,000 but where is the other one? Fuckin'

uld never give the fool 80,000, his daughters were averag

e had no remorse on his face, her sister promised to save her but she disappeared. She lo

" she

people!" the fifteen years old gi

erything will be alright, but she felt helpless and they would take her sister

V**gin hole before selling her off along with the other girls they had picked from the streets. the man pulled the

by sacrificing herself. It had to be so, her sister was younger than he

an outburst of laughter amongst the men. That greedy fool both girls called their fath

He reduced his voice, "And what do we get if we don't take

r neckline. She was going to make the biggest decision of her life whi

nd I will follow you willingly." She l

, who was holding Amira by her hair let her go.

lingly, then..." When Elsa's father tried to come for

ad for him ever since he decided it was right to sell his daughters to save himself. "You are not al

ed to her, hugging her tightly. Now she did

dwin. "Take care of the younger one. it's

resting discount old man, you're our customer now." The others accompanied him with a laugh

parated the sisters, pulling Elsa by h

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