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The Mate Contract

Chapter 5 Pack House

Word Count: 2167    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


n expected it to be Persia along with the gir

did not follow her, he had been assigned some

n the Mansion, first of all, they lived a few miles out of town and the Mansi

uge king-sized chair at one end which screamed of prominence, the carpet on the floor showed an illustration of a lot of people, it almost felt as if she was stepping on a whole villa

hose round huge spectacles watching her for quite a while until she heard his footstep as he took

ortable and she was quick to look away. Nevan continued to scan her, he found


k was already get flushed red thin

was weird, she just got here and secondly, she made sure to change

ll black bag across her shoulder and a pair of black Snickers along wit

she a

mansion and it makes you look more ugly." he elaborated, his face showing nothin

pearance and also, she wanted to let him know that she wouldn't be changing it anytime soon. It was

... at least, you can look more- lady-like, I guess," he said, making an obvious look as he eyed her sarcas

into," she looked around while asking him, her eyes we

rags. I was wondering if you were blind, wearing such hagga

lot. She felt like wh

ind him until he come to a stop

inner, Ms-" he continued staring at his w

n." She c

He turned around

et, he had conversations in the weirdest ways. Sh


d so much work and there was little

they all made no sense at first until he figured out how to arrange them, they wer

re was a huge map. Nevan studied the map for a while and found

the map when Persia kn

e pulled the knob and pushed the door open, the Alpha

re living in and it extended to some other places outside the city which had a

is this? You are no s

d and answered almost immediately, "I found it on my way, the last time I visited the south. In an ol

w was cleaner than anything. It turns out that the man was placed there to preserve the bodies. they were kept there for some form of experiment. when the old man threatened his life, he eventua

t the author was an unknown traveler and he decided to take it with him as it was harmful to leave such

these lands. One of the most meaningless places in their city was marked with sharp ink, and it was the first thing that caught his in

e map, Nevan stretched his hand to his back pocket and brought out a packet of cigarette and a lighter. He lit it qu

y know that you don't need cigarettes in

going to die anyway. Answer my ques

bond with her. Once you finally become intimate and she takes your seed in her and has the child, we w

in agr

r and the mansion, and remember, she is not allowed t

s Alpha? Tyeinvasion of

our seasons and I won't be there to witness it." He moved from the table to check one

ssholes in hell." he gave out a deranged laugh

ld you postpone

expecting us at this time. It's been seven long years and we haven't

here. You are going to run the pack for a while until the next Alpha has risen, Persia. The Moon G

shoulder before


nt her days mentally preparing herself for the first night. She knew it was going to

wasn't here, and on the third day, she decided to ask questions. She found Ne

moving an inch closer to Persia. He

our boss go?

e shook her head quickly, thinking of how not to sound doubtin

s thoughts, he always wore a stern face and was always roaming around the mansion morning and night,

g the money he promised to send, I haven't received any of it, what if all thes

ou want to get pre

mal person decides to live in the forest? You promised me half the mone

'll have to prove you right," Persia s

ave, he will dictate what happens here, get it? and if you decide to speak about everything you

, she was just voicing her own opinion. She was already realizing he

hated questions, but she would

rd Nevan's voice and it was too familiar not to rem

e in the la

ne out there who wants to defraud you, you're already so weak and helpless." He tsked.

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