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Life stood still

Chapter 3 Training

Word Count: 3108    |    Released on: 28/08/2023

ompensating with being very tough on me and not holding back at all anymore. I had bruises, bumps and a lot of swelling. This is exactly w

n't let that happen. That was the only thing that kept me strong these days. Knowing that they were still breathing even though what Levi thought he wanted most was not

had me jump because I never even heard the door ope

er for me the more I sat here and pretended to want to be here. I could tell my comment pleased Schrine he sm

ting upset and I could tell me bruised actually upset him. Maybe he did actually car

chrine." I reached for Shrines hand

t me back to a time when Levi used to do that.just for a second I let myself thin

be gone so long but things kept coming up and

very deeply, I wish life was simple and I could just be with Levi and Astrid but life wasn't simple. My life was never simple and probably wou

s tall with light hair and light eyes. They were both strong but complete opposites in the looks department. Schrine was very different from Levi. Levi had to fight for everythi

d I forgot where I was and who I was talking to. I just wanted to

oment so long ago changed me." I tried to remember a time where I

he little boy that I thought was cute before I saw Levi." It all clicked int

rgot about you. I watched you from afar, watched you lust after a man that you didn't know wanted you. I watched you cry be

t get in trouble would be the thing to win my heart?" I waited for a

only here because you want to save him. I know you won'tbelieve me but I didn't go there that day to fight. I didn't want to kill Levis parents, it wasn't part of my plan at all. I didn't

As long as I was looking into them I could tell if he was telling the tr

will haunt me until the day I die. I just wanted you Sylvi,

and have children with you?" I didn't mean to be so honest but the words came spilling out. I w

n care about me again knowing what is at stake here." I k

uppose. I did like yo

hold it and I let him. I was confused, he was the one boy I liked before Levi c

er ask you to

will both die old and alone." He was letting me know that he wasn't going to let me be with Levi no matter

not being a com

g of a monster as yo

nyway? Or would I run because Levi was the one for me. If given the chance would I stay or go? Was he telling me this to play mind games with me? Was he telling me I turned him into a monster because of how strong his feelings were for me. He watched me from afar watching me pine after a man that didn't care about me until I took myself out of the picture. Didn't tell me he cared about me too until some other man scooped me up. People may have not

n in my head for so many years, I've watched you, watched you watch him. I am not so black and white Sylvi there i

t I am here and truly see you my head and my heart is just a little confused." I uttered

won't tell anyone what happened with Sam. I won't tell anyone where he is, just promise me that you won't run to h

ssed me. This time I didn't have to pretend I wanted him to kiss me because I really did want him to kiss me.

and stepping away. I took a deep breath and nodded. I was speechless and couldn't find wor

alousy and rage but I would never not write you or tell you how I felt when everyone knows how you feel about him. That is why I didn't come to you w

If you didn't black mail me I would have never gotten to know you

fool. I left because I couldn't stand the way you looked at me. I let him train you because I thought

at asked for so many problems. I could never go back and live with Astrid and Levi because that would be too hard. If I left the village both of them would hunt me down. I couldn't go to Astrid and ask her opinion because I made a big mess of that. She was the only friend I had. So I guess I will try a

e again." Astrid said causing Levi to tur

Astrid." Levi looked at me like I had a snake for a head and Astrid smiled and wa

gone; I am sorry everythin

Let's go somewhere so we can talk, I've mi

n't think I will ever be a

eren't many places left for us to go. Everywhere seemed to have someone'

ded to come out at that exact moment. Talk about timing, h

a deep breath because this fight that was about to take place

ere to apologize to Astrid you fool. I

ldn't possibly care about him." His statement sent chills down my s

th but I was pretty sure neither one of them heard me. They were looking at each other and

oking at me and then looking at Levi and Schri

t before you left. You're an idiot that could have had her

s. You killed my dad because you knew how she felt about me.

nt kind of fight. Part of me wanted to be a coward and look away from what was about to take place but I couldn't. I had to stop it, had to make sure those idiots didn't kill eac

was done being the prize that they both wanted. I was so much more than that and both of them would realize that soon enough. I heard another punch and another. They weren't going to stop so I had to be the one to stop them. I walked over to them neither one

ready I will choose whom I want to be with. Until then neither one of you will be the cause of the

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