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My Teacher Lover

Chapter 5 Secret Visits

Word Count: 6476    |    Released on: 16/10/2023

it all wrong!"

ching it right in the first place!" Angel s

flipping over the omelet. "It's all burnt.

ust get rid of

rbage. He dumped in the nth try of omelets into the garba

table and sat in the chair. "I still can't believe I have to grade all thi

than teaching you how to c

bbed a red pen and the f

n the omelet

chigo quickly cleaned up his kitchen before joining her at the table. He sat do

d them as they graded papers, only broken once in awhi

ms over her head and groaned i

p and went over to his kit

r body on top of the table. "I have to sta

higo asked as he turne

f homework. "I have some pages to do on my math, science,

. "If you want you can just give me the gist of what you hav

and she stared at him

t of her before sitting back in his seat with his own c

rather stay up the entire

do your work here. If you want, I can even help you," he paused when Ange

ing for her bag and pulling out her textbooks. "The

is way to the seat next to

ensei," s

l, eh?" Ich

as she opened her notebook and

inda. We went to hi

as younger than you

hought he was going to be a lawyer or something but for some reason he decided to teach, he said as he loo

as she started

s actually going to be a doctor and work with my father at his clinic. But a

owned. You don't look

suppose be a square root," he

e erased the lower half of

every few lines he would point out a mistake, frustrating her to no end. "How in the

I have difficulty in. And I'm only passing this

f his coffee. "Damn, you're taking too long. How are you plan

clock; it was less than a quarter befor

think you still need help with y

have one more problem left for math and that science report for F

at abo

d back up at the clock, watching the second hand ticked away. Slowly, she

n me, Angel," Ichigo smirked, "I know

n what do I do? I've been busy helping you out wit

hould have taken my offer w

breath as she sat back down, crossing

said you're willing to stay up all night if you

sted so much of my energy making all that food with you. I don't know why I

you first started,Ichigo commented, "R

melet, it's true that she could now boil water. And the past two weeks s

ed down and smirked at her. "I'll give you one more day to turn in your paper if you come

eyebrow. "What

rolling his eyes. "You really gotta do someth

nding himself against me in the m

igo snapped back, "Will yo

"Not until you stop yo

te enough to go for a midget like you," Ichigo rolled his eyes, earning him a quick kick to the shin. "Anyways, my

b and forefinger to the bridge of he

went over to the coat ha

ngel asked as she saw hi

id, "It's not safe for you to

then her bag. "Please, my building is directly acro

higo went to the genkan and slip

r own shoes and followed him out the door, Ichigo closing it behind them and lo

higo cal

groaned in

ther or not to ask…He chose to ask. "I know I shouldn't

ed up at h

nted to know why

her step at his

e realizing she was not longer with him. Ich

l looked up to see Ichigo st

to face her fully, "You suddenly st

owly walking again. "…I just didn't li

n, but this time slowing down to keep the same pace with

nts. I only have one older brother…well,

help feeling more curious especial

away when I was still a baby. When I was five, my sister was eighteen and gotten married. And I was later adopted

is complicated,

we're already here." She pulled out her key and unlocked the door. Before stepping in, she turned aroun

said before turning around and walking away. "And don't fo

waving over his shoulder as

in disappointment. "Did any one of you guys

only respo

his muscles tensed. "Are you guys

apologized together as

guys are paying attention to what I have been teaching." He looked around to see the gloomy atmosphere except from the two students who actually turned them in. "I'll be nice and let yo

an old assignment from the previous year) to Ichigo when he went around the room to collect the homew

" he said as he scratched his bright hair in irritation. "I want you guys to get into a group of four and start reading. I'll

ooks and their friends before they were left out. Ange

h this," Bia sighed as she opened her book,

to the right page. "I'll start then we c

her proposition as

g around the class through her peripheral vision after he finished writ

sk behind Angel's ; so technically Justin desk

"Though I'm not real

ei started that book before she left so I had no o

gned us this," Bia responded in amazeme

whatever we teachers ass

a moment before replying, "

suppose to me

d, air-quoting the word 'hot,' "Sadly she hasn't see

miling at Ichigo. "You were very close to getti

ically as he rolled his eyes. "Any

Angel informed him, "And we were get

nt' glow that was pratically emanating off of Angel, "The

course, Walker-sensei." She turned her head towards the black board and read the first q

gel was going to deal with his questions,

's willing to let the antagonist walk all over him. Not to mention the fact he's using his past traumatic event as an excuse for not being

p at her suggestion. "


chigo asked, "He doesn't want the heroine in the story to get

ining, "The protagonist is clearly in love with her but keeps denying it. But she already knows about his troubles and is still w

ed into them, allowing her to probe into his mind to read even his darkest secrets. Ichigo quickly shook his head to pull hims

three seconds they were silently staring into each other's eyes, it felt like she could see everything in h

ad this book now," Bia said,

as she looked ba

her hands, "After your explanation I

was a good book

to you, Clara. Bia doesn't listen

settled herself pr

class and got everyone's attention. He went around the room an

lled on her once! A frown appeared on her face as he ignored her completely during the remaining class time

know that she had to see

her way down the well-k

guez after school got out and buy as much snacks as she could for the weekend

range head buffoon, her life suddenly c

customer as she entered the store. "Would you lik

. Thanks Mira," she said as she grabbed a b

sn't my favor

ont desk to see Mark fannin

" he asked with his

bad," she

Mira held up in front of her. I wonder if anything 'good' will become of her day… Just as his thoughts ende

afternoon. And why are you so cheery?" Mark simply pointed his fan at the petite wom

as she walked over to the count

oulders. "No one tha

oman before pulling out her wallet. "Wh

self as he called for

00 yen," the sma

to the exit. "See you guys later," she waved back. Just before the door slid shut she saw the

walked down the street she had fully memorized the past few years that she lived here, but instea

, shouting at the top of her lungs, "OI! OPEN UP THE DOOR ST

no need to bang so hard!" He was leaning down at her with o

ng my weekend," she said before bending down

school bag and plastic bag of snacks on his table. He then noticed she was we

ied without looking back at him, "I knew if I w

e," Ichigo patted her head wh

o do so I can quickly leave

or storage. But my little sister was outraged saying there had to be a guest room so it can be used if s

ags everywhere with several other items placed here and the

shit so I know what to keep and what to throw away." He rolled up his sleeves and checked

outh that she just bought and entered the room. If she was going to help c

om. When the delivery came, they left it in the living room unt

ughed at the dust. "Why d

last set of shelves in the new bookshelf. "Give 'em here," he held out a hand as An

d today one of your fav

really liked nor disliked it. The protag

all on me in class to

"Why? Did it bother you that I didn't ask

as she continued o

knew your answer, if that's what

like you weren't satisfied with my answer. And I w

ks, "I just didn't want others to copy your idea for the test lat

Ichigo for a moment. "So y

," he

. "Well aren'

knew you'd kick me if I didn'

oks in the bookshelf. She opened up a ne

suddenly bro


another box himself. "I was just wondering if you

ut w

hould let go of the past and ope

igo staring at her. She thought for a se

ink that?" he

. "What's up with a

er," he or

at he doesn't get is that if he doesn't act fast, then the one thing that was pulling him out of his dark past will also disappear. In the end he'll end up more miserable than ever. I think he's too

word was passed between them for awhile as silence engulfed them. By the end of four huge e

ngel scoffed, looking at his bo

n, "And I have twice as much back

ith disbelief. "Do yo

round, "My mother used to collect the best books from all aroun

oing to look at Ichigo. "'Used t

ffened. "Nevermind

nked on his arm. "Ichigo, every time the topic of your

away to avoi

ed. "Is yo

n, finally looking a

hand and looked

ad, "It's been several years so don't worry too muc

nd before going back to the

em this time for a few seconds befor

ad jerked

box, "It suddenly started to rain really hard. We were walking across the street when a car lost control. I couldn't remember what happened the next few minutes. But when I fina

ow why she did it but she just felt like it was the right thing to do. She wrapped her arms around his head and he

continued, though his shoulders didn't stop shaking. "I was taken to a hospital where I barely did anything for a month. They had to force-feed me through a tube and drug me to sleep since I'd

nose into his hair. "I'm sorry," she whispered, th

d what she said about the protagonist. Maybe I

d someone to h

at somebo

uched for several hours with the new furniture, which consisted of a new bed and a desk, which was half assembled in


t of his family picture in the living room, tu

g her head to the ta

took a seat and looked at the food in front of him

spoon. "If you're going t

ck and eating the first meal she's prepared for him. He slowly chewed

, not touching her food, wai

ked up to see Angel staring at him, waiti


a shocked look when Angel suddenly looked up at him ag

I would,"

ed as he con

look at the mess. "When do you think

r dinner," he said, "I can finish u

at him and fro

think I can do it. Besides…, I think you alre

inally calmed down. She just told him that she'll make dinner in order to avoid the sudden awkwardness betwee


person on the other line. "No…Why should I—what do you mean by that?!" his face suddenly became red, obviously panicking, "N

ne back down on the receiver. He looked up and

ing her remaining food into the garbage before putting the

any traces of there being a second person hav

oom to grab her school bag and her bag of snacks, "Bu

shoes as Ichigo opened the door. She stepped out and gasped. He was about to

oth cursed i

quickly snuck out and

s about to grab her when she suddenly


d Zander right in front of him. "

o open the door just now?" A

s words, "W-well, um…it's not hard

see Zander just nod his head before following inside. He released a breat

s no way she was going to wait to see what might happen if one of her teachers suddenl

door and wiping off her sweat. "I should really be more careful," she said to herself before something struck her.

way to her bedroom. Getting a pair of clean clothes and a towel, Angel went t

. She looked at her school bag and rolled her eyes; she did not want to do her homework yet. She then looked at the ba

d whatever was on. The house was silent…and kind

he just th

rang. "Who is it?" she called out as she made her way to the door.

felt bad about throwing away your dinner like that so I

er. "Thanks. Did Fernandez-sensei

couch. Apparently they were exhausted from wor

he work they assign us," she chuck

o replied, taking a

d was about to shut the door when he suddenly gra


eyes when suddenly she saw him leanin


he felt his lips brus

next to her ear before walking away, not tur

econds ago. The more she thought about it the warmer her face became.

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