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My Teacher Lover

Chapter 8 Screw The Flu

Word Count: 7597    |    Released on: 16/10/2023

is fist against Angel door like a hammer, "If

door suddenly swung open. "Finally you're awake—" Ichigo paused when he

eveled and eyes bloodshot red. "Your sarcasm will only lead you to an early grave, so I advise y

go grabbed her elbow and stopped her. "W

to release herself from his grasp but Ichigo only held on tighter. "Will you let

forehead, feeling her temperature. "I don't think so. Yo

, "I haven't missed a single day of school bef

n she tried to walk away. "Angel, I'm

esides, how would you know if this is serious o

several years so I know all the symptoms of a bad flu. So I adv

continued her way back to the bathroom.

ase listen to me just this once." But instead of getting any reply all he heard was the water running, loudly, bl

red in a can of soup and placed it on top of the stovetop. Time passed as Ichigo prepared the soup and squeezed a pair of fresh orange juice into a cup. As the

alled out in a

e and a glass of juice. Eat some of it

r," Angel

n living with her long enough to understand that she was grateful but her stupid pride wouldn't l

possible gotten a cold? Ichigo thought to himself a


way towards his private office and settled down on his desk after closing the door. Looking around his desk, Ichigo let out


class was to start. Ichigo grabbed his


d as the ringing conti

ing. Ri

fore replying, "W

over the phone, "I'm almost

I'm still your teacher," Ichigo teased before be

ing me,"Ichigo could feel Ang

the phone before grabbing some stack of paper and going through the materials. For some reason, after t

nd returned to rummage through his bag to get some pap

opy of the Shakespeare play that he had on his desk. Confused, Ichigo flipped open the c

g the second copy on top of the paper

athered his materials and made his way to class. From outside the classroom

Angel was looking even paler t

get back to your seats!" he shouted over the noise. Everyone returned to th

'here,' she dropped her head on her desk and res

ngel, yo

nded with o

even more and tapped h

" she r

asked in worry. He's known Angel for years but he

ietly moaned,

open your book to Act III Scene

ded before grabbing

bag, looking for her book. But no matter how many times she r

on, please read from the

ore standing up and rea

l. And what happens if Ichigo suddenly calls on her?! Just then, Ichigo started walking around class with his one hand holding up his book i

was starting to sweat as Ichigo approached. The hand that was behind his back was starting to move forward an

d open one eye to see Ichigo gone and her book on her desk. Confused as to what just hap

book on her desk because they were all too busy try

cover and there it was: her name. But why did Ichigo have her book? With a sigh, Ange

of paper fell out and onto Angel's lap. She pic


crumbling the pape

as she rested her warm h

ook like shit

lot," An

r friend's forehead. "You're really heati

Jane pulled her hand back. "Summer break is

hand on her shoulder. "I'll take not

e middle of school. Besides," she looked up and gave her friends the best re

d to cry, "Why are you suddenly ill, my love? Your pain is my pain and

efore facing downwar

"Hey Jane, get her a water bottle," he said before pulling out

r bottle. "Here you go." She handed Angel the water whi

groaned before t

he bell rung and break was over. The others returned to

Andrew said as he started writ

ke down notes… but slowly, with each passing mi

u answer—Bushū?

o see Andrew looking at her

ight?" Andre

swered, "Just a

looking up at Justin. "Tan, can you pl


of her face, stopping Justin in his seat. "I'm fine,

e?" Andr

ded her h

n her shoulder. "If you're not feeling well then tel

Andrew started to continue class. She took in a deep breath


nandez-sensei talking about nothing but photosynthesis. It s

you should go lay dow

ybe I should," sh

Justin said as he

upted him again, "

gel made her way to

a smile, but she must have turned around a bit too quickly beca

y all shoute

up and rushe

all backwards. In her dizzy state, she expected to hit the hard groun

caught Angel from the other side of the door. He looked over to see

head and quickly knelt beside them.

before standing up with Angel in his arms, an arm around her shoulders and the other one under her

. "Looks like she was worse than what

ms. Maybe it was because he felt like it should have been him to catch Angel, o

him the most was w

orse tha

ld he k

falling backwards, out the door. Without thinking he charged

y breathed out wh

opened her eyes to see who caught her. "

them and knelt next to t

el her temperature. "She's worse than before…" he thought out loud. If he didn't

said, "I'm taking her to the nurse's office,"

o was in hurry to get Angel to the nurse's office. When he

eard her name. "Walker-kun!" she jumped

ed his head towards the be

my! Please place her over here," she led them towards one of the empty beds (t

d her up. He felt her temperature again which was still high as before. "Her fever is not g

out several bottles and read the labels. "I'm not sure what these are—Walker-kun?" Kyla stepped back with a blush when Ichigo walked forward and grabbed her arm. But

emical that would freeze the bag. As soon as it was ready he returned to Angel a

side and frowned. "Do you know

eached up to touch Angel's pale cheek with the back of his fingers. "My dad's a

call her home? Somebody should pick he

alone so I think we should wait until she wakes up." At t

class, Walker-

's my free period so I'm d

e grabbing her pu

ooked up and frowned. Where the hell was she going when there

se meeting to go to at another school," she grabbed her papers and smil

re looking back at

before walking out of her off

Angel's face which was contorted in pain. "Dumbass. That's why I to

: checking her temperature, shifting the cold p

rse's office's door swung open a

he?" Just

shook his head. "She'

ver and leaned over Angel's st

w," Jane added, which made Ichigo's ba

y ans

just let her rest here until she wa

Walker-sensei?" Clara asked, "

" she pointed at herself and Clara before poin

ctice," Ivan said for

ow me the

that sentence, Jo

ned and let out a nervou

ut they didn't have to know that. "

ned. "You sure? Don't you h

you guys can't stay here. Besides, I'm her teacher so she'

here she lives

ta. If not, I can ask her when she wakes up," he said the littl

said, grabbing Clara hand and dragging her away from Angel's bed. S

all and scratched the back of his

We have a tournament coming up and if you m

les of Kendo when he fights so why should he care?"

is in good hands. Ichigo used to live in a clinic so he'll take care

e's nothing to

his duffel bag and following Ivan and Aaron out the door. But before leaving the room, he

ed her bag. "I

dded. "Ye

looking at Jonny and J

. "Of course.

y lovely princess alone with this big orange head buffoon—EUGH!" Before Jonny could go a

bed either arms of Jonny's unconsci

ne smirked, "Anyways, I'll see you late

let out a sigh of relief before looking back at Angel. He smirked as he removed the cold

fidgeted to the side befor

er face and softly called out, "Ang

ly. When her vision finally focused, she was a little startled to see I

igo responded, "Are

ours out of my face," Angel groaned before lif

nd off his face. Glaring down he snapped b

r surrounding. "Where am I? I swea

urse's office,"

at him and fr

o carry your fat ass all the way here all becaus

she looked up at the

before looking back at Angel. "Your friends came over here as soon as class ended and they just left." Angel

she said, "I can't

. "I know that. Just wait here a moment wh

have argued back, but she was feeling faint

his private office to grab his bag before going to Angel's classroom to grab her bag. In a shocking rec

walking over to Ang

rrying their bags on his other shoulder. They slowly made their way out of the school building but by th

own and placed his hand aga

me rest a bit,

re placing their b

n she felt one of her arms being lifted high and placed on some

on either side of his shoulder, pulling her up on

ll her hands away but Ichigo just

fore Angel could get off. "I'm just taking a sick student home, that's all." He bent forward

igo lightly jumped to lift her higher onto h

k too if you're close to me,"

neck, choking Ichigo from behind as a response. "Augh! Okay, I get it, I get it!" Ichigo choked. Angel finally lightened her

," Angel

ment and kept a slow pace so Angel wouldn't get too dizzy. But when h

nd chuckled. "Wan

n and took the first step. "

it later," Angel snugg

h. By the time he made midway Ichigo had to stop and jump to lift Angel high

asier for Ichigo as he started the second half of t

could make it!" Ichigo huffed as he made his way to their apartment. Angel dug into her bag and grabbed her keys, handing

higo stepped out of the genkan, Angel lightly knocked her head against his

either side of his hips. "Don'

weight fully on his back as he took hold of her legs and pull

norted, "You're the one who

he carried her towards her room. He reach

er to the side, "Bastard, you didn't

t up. I'm just glad it's over." He lied down next to her and stretche

ng as he stretched his tired muscles, she lifted her arm with much

glared down at her. "Wha

y bed," sh

arried you all the way home

you to carry me, now did I? Y

ed his bag next to the table before heading over to the refrigerator to grab a nice cold drink. He finishe

s tie off and shook out off his jacket, tossing both items on the bed. Next came his shirt and his pants. Once finally free from the uncomfortable clot

! Ichigo went to the bathroom and opened the cupboard searching for anything that might help her. He found some medicine and a

aring her school uniform. Without even bothering to ask her permission Ichi

her shoulder, "You should

e carefully shifted

re sweating through your clothes. If you

ed, not bothering

k her shoulder more furiously, "If you don't

go away," A

his situation. So, knowing he was going to regret this later, Ichigo gen

trained her eyes open to see Ichigo unbuttoning th

othes," he replied, not even

her hands came up to try and stop his fingers. But Ichig

s fingers continued their

any ideas," she

kids," he smirked, earning

bbed Angel's arms and carefully lifted her up int

oked her hair. "Sorry," he whispered, trying to kee

stiffened and the hair on the back of his neck rose as she snuggled her nose into the crook of his neck, exhaling puffs of warm air.

say 'good

e's your student! Ichigo chanted in his head, don't even think about it! But hell, he was a young,

gel sighed ag

" Ichigo

she moaned,

wards. But he made the mistake of placing his hand under her top, lifting it up from underneath the shirt,

udent! SHE'S MY STUDENT! He c

Ichigo lifted her arms and pulled them through the thin strings. When it came time to pull it off her head, Ichigo

made the greatest mis

uff out deep breaths as her neck was fully exposed to him. Small drops of sweat made its way down from

s ray bouncing off her wet skin. And every time her chest heaved up,

ITELY feel his pan

. But this time he slouched forward so their chests wouldn't touch. As he held onto Angel with one arm around her shoulder, the other hand extended to th

an, annoyed that he was making her move her aching body so much. But she stayed still as he gently caressed her arms as he pulled the

one?" Ange

" he whispered as he la

ed to open them when she heard a zippe

ng his best to hide his blush. He remained quiet b

a fever, anyone would have been able to see a red hue on her face. With his mouth still clamped closed, Ichigo kneeled at the end o

kept his eyes focused on her knees. Thankfully she was wearing a pair of shorts underneath but that didn't mean the actual act of taking off her skirt wouldn't bring

ing his head low to hide his blush, "I only

sed her eyes, allowing

sleeping with a contorted expression. He let out a frustrated sigh this time as he placed the cool pack o

al hours, barely leaving her side. After the sun finally went

do you want?

ding a bowl of soup in the other. "You have to e

to lie back down. "I d

s arms and legs took place either side of her, keeping the covers around her small body. Ichigo got a spoonful of soup a

d her chapped lips and too

cess to feed Angel. It took a lot more of his bitching to get her t

head back and away from the soup, "I

rned the spoon into the bowl a

she could lie back down but the man staye

rabbed the pills and water. "You need to take these first. Then you

inst her mouth. She reluctantly allowed him to push it in between her lips and

inst the headboard and Angel leaning

"Just don't blame me if you get sick,

pped his limbs around her body to keep her warm. She soon fell asleep as the medicine that she took slowly took

would wake her up to give her more medicine, change the water in the cool pack for some ice, and change her clothes every time she sweated through her shirts. Of

going in and out of conscio

shining warmly against her face. She s

ays ago that she was feeling like shit. Thankfully Ichigo was next to her twenty-four/seven, changing the pack on

ger feeling dizzy. She placed her hand on her forehead

room to get ready for a fresh new day. While brushing her tee

was no different, but this time Angel shouted at him to go sleep in his room. Of course the stubborn bastard wo

esn't want to admit it, it was all thanks to that ora

kitchen. "Ichigo? Did you make breakfast yet…" Angel stopped midstep when she noti

ng, she looked over to ch

1:00 am,

ld have bee

his door and leaned her ear against it. There was no sound coming fro

hand stopped moving when she suddenly heard a grunting noise from insi

eep under his covers, not mo

tly peeled his covers off of him. And below her was a pale Ichigo with his

e of his eyes. "Leave me alone

on his forehead. "

ptain Obvious

he was suddenly sick. "Don't tell

ghed, turning

he dumba

lled, burying his he

d you, you would catc

r," Ichig

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