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My Teacher Lover

Chapter 6 Roommates

Word Count: 4862    |    Released on: 16/10/2023

up wit

n on top of her desk to see Bia leaning d

a asked as she placed a h

swapping her friend's hand

with mischief. "Why? Did a sex

her against the head. "NO!" Angel shouted a bit too loudly an

re you blushing

-there's noth

abbering about so ea

od when Jane suddenly ap

because of a guy," Bia qu


hen Justin came in, screami

red head's glare suddenly turned to his oldest friend before he grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her

ating you or something." The tomboy then looked at Angel, who was still being sh

n the shin. He doubled over in pain, finally releasing his strong grip on her shoulders. Once she g

feet, this time turning his gla

really convincing there

thinking about trying ou


rough the door once the bell rung. He stepped into the classro

attendance. A name was called and t

Anybody with a sensi

rying to keep her voice from crack

l Bus

." she a

down at his attendance sheet after his amber eyes made contact with a pair of

placed the attendance sheet aside and grabbed his book, "Today, like a

Jane suddenl

, Bieber I thought I told you to add

fed . "I just wanted to remind you about that th

den gasp throug

t it?" Ich

sp, but this time whispers we

teacher's plac

love high sch

t. Her body suddenly went rigid when she

clear that they were going to spend the night over at Ichigo's apartment. So when did Jane go over there? On S

get rid of the weird

ned, "Are you goi

oticed was a habit of his when he was either embarrassed or a

king Bieber's information to a whole new untrue level of gossip, I would like to

exploded from

t year before you graduate. So start thinking of a theme, and no-" he glared at Jonny who was about to jump up, "-I won't tolerate to see this place being turned into some pornography th

ion when he suddenly c

you should know all the information." He turned back to the rest of the class while pointing at Angel, "Sh

all answered

o the book," he said, openi

book. Time quickly passed without her being aware of what was happening around h


. After all, she had to stay up most

re you ign

Even though Ichigo taught her how to cook, she still ate nothing


should get


back. It was then she

himself glaring at her with great intensity. "I've been talking to you

et rid of whatever daze she was just in. "

n disappointment as he went through a stack of papers. "Anyways,

d she co

before turning around to stare at Angel w

d, "When did she com

her before smirki

ckly retorted by crossing her arms across her c

go to on Sundays. She was with her dad who used to teach me karate when I was a kid. So

a reply, suddenly feeling stu

t any stupid rumors," he added, "I hated them w

chair and sat down on it. "So what did

know I left it h

at home so why can't you k

d, "I just have way

s to see exactly what kind of paper he had

ore looking at her with a grin "By the

with the chair. That grin was really annoying her. Wh

sly close to Angel's face. "Because

you talk

tack just behind him. "

hy the hell are there so many papers this time? This stac

basses that wouldn't do anything I tell them to do so I decided to a

ontinued to scan the stack. "T

sed. She turned around and glared before s

id as that. Why do something you're going to regret?

ave to do in this day-and-age." He sighed as he f

with the class before I go to the student council meeting." Angel folded the pa

gel quickly left Ichigo's office to join her f

ay went well...be

pent most of the weekend slacking off. She got praises left and r

st calculus pop quiz she got her v

ut of her seat when s

Oi, A

e asked wi

n whispered, "I didn'

be she should make Ichigo dinner again this weekend? After all, he did help a lot. He actually stayed wit

he more she looked at the red '100 percent' that was circled with a red mark

room. "There was only one student who got a full 100 percent." He paused to look at Angel and raised an ey

age," he announced, earning him a collective groan. "And this is the lowest and hi

ad," Justin snickered, looking at th

ke to share with the class, Tan?

ng like the room got a lot colder with the teacher's fierce glare. How could he forget that that child-genius teacher of the

re carefully next time; I don't think Lopez

YONE THAT IT'S ME!" Jonny sho

already knew it was you," J

nd month of school and you guys learned absolutely noth

llective groan f

thing!" Bia cri

er friend. "W-what are yo

anged it years ago, or something like that." Clara's blush reddened even more as the class pervert continued, "So why don

fe has nothing to do with you group of

"I can't believe yo

rted to turn red, though from embarras

o Clara but deep down you really care about her. Heck, I saw you protecting her from a group of boys la

females sighed, he

t of the ma

lowered it and slumped down into her seat,

d to hide his blush. "Ahe

l sm

o follow what Noel was teaching in class, but it was cute to see him blush

since they were little. If it were someone else, they might not have liked this arrangement; but the tw

e really

en until last year that she, along with everyone else, found out that the two were engaged. And at such a young age too. Luckily the school already knew about t

.. she thought to herself whil

ter next time," Noel said wh

ss replied in

e continuing, "Most of you guys will need an 80 percent or higher to do well in this class...And don't even think about bothering Clar

s," Ichigo

and turned around. "Walke

ss that Noel just came out of which was still loud. He smirked before looking ba

y down towards their offices. "I just told th

really have an odd way

led as he turned right

ntinued down the hall t

wonder what that's

as she turned the corner and

iced Angel's cheery mode, he couldn't help but hop around with her. "Did

going on her usual snack escapade. "Yup! I ju

entire time, suddenly threw confetti into th

and I'll say that'd be

nd started to pout. "But then h

s she brought everything over to the

n," he nervously chuckled and looked at the content in

y," she

of nowhere and smacked him over the head. "Ju

ngel smiled at

her several days. Of course she was going to go over to Ichigo's place later

tely n

g to set and she was ready to just fall into her bed and sleep. But there's no way she can

remembered what she

scowl when she saw something off.

ht her attention from the corner of her eye. She looked up only to see a shadowy figure sudden

obbed...IN THE MI

the stairs and out into the streets, h

t bastard and stop him. But her brain wasn't functioning correctly. Ins

tairs. When she reached her floor, she noticed that that person indeed came out from

thing that she was holding a

ng was i

d and broken; several of her dishes were broken on the ground; her mattress were flipped over; her clothes al

er apartment fe

er throat closed up from the shock. Her body wouldn't move from where

was just so

n her legs, Angel ran out of her apartment and qui

ice. His classes went smoothly: everyone turned in their homework and even Jonny kept his stupid comme

oday was a

amiliar figure sitting in front of his door, her knee

he approa

e, Angel looked up to see Ic

t was even more unexpected when she suddenly jumped up and wrapp

imposter? But then he slowly relaxed and held her tightly against him. "He

iccupped. "Ichi-huck-go," she whimpe

n to calm her breathing. "What ar

out, "Some-somebody b

and pushed her off him to look

ulnerable state. In fact, this wasn't the Angel he knew the last three weeks. No matter how tough the situation


rms, his arms under her bent knees and shoulders. Angel watched him under hooded eyes as Ichigo brought her inside, pa

Just stay here and rest, okay?" he said, brushi

lanket before quickly leaving. He closed his bedroom door and made his way outside. As he closed t

open, and stepped in. If he had anything in his

rtment was tur

t to step on anything or move anything in

ng of

is pocket and quickly dialed a number.

ry and small stack of money that she had hidden in her drawer were mainly stolen. Some small items were also gone while the rest were destroy

ooked around the rema

mplete mess after

and started to stuff it with the debris of glass and wood. He cleaned up as much as he could of the living

a torn-up couch cushion, l

not after all this happen...Not to mention how he


nored the single-word question. They only

leaning again. He grabbed a new bag and went to her bedroom. He reached down and examined the clothes on

uniforms...bras...ahem, panties...skirts

d up. Things that could still be used were placed by the door whil

lifting a few bags over his shoulders. The sun was startin

g in his bed. He set down the bags in the guest room before going back to h

rned over to the other

idget. Don't tell me you already

" she moaned, s

wn and whispered

ead. "Oh shit, what happened?" she looked at him wi

apartment and only items that possessed some value seemed to be missing. They sa

ands that were tightly holding t

r hers and gently stroked it. "Don't worry to

nt of silence she took in a deep breath before looking back

I already did it

nked at h

ng. I spent the entire time cleaning out your place an

do you

thumb. "I already called the landlord; after


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