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My Teacher Lover

Chapter 9 Summer Break I

Word Count: 8118    |    Released on: 16/10/2023

she jumped arou

his shirt, while watching his housemat

She squealed, jumpi

is way out of his room, "You still have homework to do. Which

e mess up my precious summer break with that homework-crap. Bring that up again and I promise it won't be an a

squealing this and that about summer break. He rolled his eyes after hearing her say some

re the last bell rung, signaling the start of their one-month summer break. Heck, even the pri

bration dance in the living room. He finally decided to stop her when ever

skipped over to the table and sat in her usual seat across Ichi

d it still surprised him to see her acting so carefree…and ill-mannered, which was totally differen


o it. Angel wasn't allowed to use the house phone because somebody could trace the call back to him, revealing the fact

ghed, ignoring the s


a brow. "Yes

a!" she giggled o

ously chuckled. Angel, who's been too busy stuffing her mouth with food suddenly stopped upon hearing the busty woman's name. She loo

to speak again, but this time stutte

especially to him. So he stood silently with the phone in his hand. But he never expected Angel to suddenly sneak up beh


lied while throwing death glares at the midget. But sh


urse was a bit of a klutz but why was she taking forever t

phone. Correction; at Inoue. He didn't know why she seemed mad at his old fr



ight down to the ground. The two tumbled down along with the phone. Ichigo was able to quickly turn his body so

all that noise?" Kyla shouted from the

d be kicking and yelling at him right about now if he hadn't kept his hand enclosed around her mou

was her fault in the first place. "Ah, wa li," Ich

long as you

bimbo was to see exactly what kind of situation Ichigo was in at that moment, she doubt

felt her lips tug upwards into a smirk against his hand. What is this bitch planning now?

re? But it

ded disa

or Angel! Wait

he groaned, showing h

special plans for this summer!" she finally asked, "I was planning on g

very still, registering h




Ichigo grumb

un too!" She quickly added, but this time her voice stu

swept out of him. This is what Inoue did to him: even with her never-ceasing smile she always made him feel burnt out and exhausted

be planning with this so-called reunion trip with Ichigo, got

ally?" Kyl

wa with Ramos and Fernandez without me. Beside


ff the phone, not even bothering to hear the rest of Kyla's reasoning. When the phone finally went of

isy household to begin with and he's been having that sort of 'relationship' with Ang

e entire time, frowned. "I didn't know

ss, I just said that to get ou

d an eyebrow. "You're

" Ichigo finished her question

she was suddenly defending the brunette… but hell; she did

u?' look from her. "I don't even know why she liked me out of all the guys at our school. But the thing was, I didn't see her anything beyond a friend…well, to be more exact,

Ichigo just told her. And yes, she could see Reyes-sensei chasing after Ic

r." Ichigo and Angel both couldn't stop a frown from appearing, though they directed it to opposite sides so the other pe

en Ichigo said the last part as

y wanted to call the cops. But," he sighed, "She was a good friend so

in present-ten

according to Andrew it coul

ne. "Crazy bitch," she muttered, b

did yo

th the phone, imagining it was the busty young nurse that never really appealed to her in general.

attention. "Hey midget, I know you said

looking away from the ph


all people should know the answer to that question. She annoys me too an

ckled. "Is

denly feeling her face hea

ess jealous?" Ichigo tea

ealous over someone l

rked, earning a death glare from the midget, "Well, min

awkward position and very obviously ge

s breakfast which was cold now. He looked at Angel, who was already seated, and as

halfway up her mouth, froze

ulated each word as if talkin

table. "As for your information,

ed his bruising leg. "Wha

to visit his place. And almost all of my friends have sports tourn

account that she seemed c

w you said you told Reyes-sensei th

y in Kyotoo but that would mean I'd have to meet my

Is he the type to emba

o try and rid of the memories of his fathe

inned bu

n visiting the summer house that my mother used to own before she passed away," he

s widened a

er h


the sudden interest in her

d rather too quickl

nly come over, leaving you in a tight spot. And besides, when I turned old eno

huge piece of candy without even having to ask

clock. "We can leave as

ck to him as she ran to her room to pack

uddenly ran off as if the apartment was on fire. When he got back his senses he smirked w

from her room, realizing he was washing t

ed back, "Calm down! It's not li

nce I last gone to the beach so this is a ve

that stuff," he pointed to her bed that was dumped with whole bunch of unnecessary items such as her Chappy toys, Cha

et, looked over at her bed and frowned. "

might and might not need, "There's also tons of towels so don't take those. Cups, plates etc. are already there so no need to pack a

and sun cream." She frowned at the thought of taking so little.

stay there for two weeks so just bring extra clothes, maybe a book or two to

g she was forgetting someth

his closet, he eyed the papers he had to grade on top of his desk. He stared at the stack for a few seconds bef

n't do work whi

e neede

e let out a long

s going re

a newly installe

e against the hot summer as the cool air s

g off every now and then it'

very revealing outfit: a pair of shorty shorts that was ba

d his blushing face and looked away, squealing

ke a shy virgin. We both know how l

evidence of a blush on his


me ringing as the front door of his store swung open and a cust

ing the room and groaned. "Can't you be more careful? What if so

out me, Ichigo. But I'm old enough to w

huh?" He walked towards Mark and extended his hand

he giggled, "I do like being th

u do," Lucy g

e you going to give me the car or not? I know you don

hat were you planning on doing with the car? Plan

at?" he asked totally confused at the man's m

o's been staying at your place for the past month.

ened. "H-how'd you k

-out' expression. "My, Walker-kun, have

ho he's friends with? Why, that could range from

the boy, slapped the back of his head. "You

wouldn't have been a problem if only you let Angel actually move in w

w intruder. Which reminds me," she reached behind the door

er, Lucy allowed Angel to use her address as her new home address, even though t

ow this is going to tu

out this 'juicy' detail then he just might… He quickly glared at th

know by now that your threats don't work on me anymore. I've been

ked, "But I wasn't

y disappeared. He coul

and give it to Zander's stupid bird so it

Ichigo and pulling on his arm, begging for mercy,

u really know how to go s

hat straight—" he extended his ha

er, now knowing the great hold Ic

I'll return it to you in a few weeks.

t, Lucy suddenly called out to

ly, his face completely r

"You heard me. I know where you're planning on going with your littl

ll better. "Not to mention it's one of our

f stuff to yourself!" Ichigo yelled

that doesn't mean we weren't s

g to do with why Angel's going

you're going with

o yelled back before qu

ucy. "I wonder if he realizes we we

his feelings. And it'll be awhile befor

ind him. "I really should update Walker-san about this new development. I'

shū living together," Lucy smirked, "Or did you already

…but you made no such prom

"That's exactly w

the freeway. The day started out great but Mark and Lucy just

u o

uickly looking back at the road bef

ebrow. "But you've been sighing the entire time since you

go nodded as he pressed on

he's just an old, perverted s


store, Mark let o

ed. "Yeah, y


a weird stare from Lucy. He wiped his runny

. "More like someone talking

ce is like," Angel asked, leani

y it passed down to me once I was old enough. It's less than half a mile away from the public beach and the main town. The house is only one floor, but it's spa

tried to imagine this place. "Did you a

n his face, "Every summer we went over there but whe

orry," she

sisters there after that incident, but not as often as we used to. And I'm pretty

erstand why you wouldn't want to go t

ne who can see from my poin

ou decide to s

He looked over at Angel to see her trying to cover her yawn with her hand. "Why don't you clos

ne," she ya

You sure don't lo

p," she

eyes. "Stubborn as

horrible of a driver Ichigo was, how incredibly short she was (of course by this time they were mo

much about that," Ichigo gr

ds have been bugging me nonstop about visitin

didn't like unwanted visitors was a pr

ying it now. They just want me to

e friends of yours ar

ly overprotective

d thing," Ichigo

, I guess not. But it is when they'

rry. As long as we're car

ees and towns passing by them in blurry images. S

Ichigo quickly looked over but stopped when he saw Angel's head resting against the car window, eyes closed and chest rising and falling in a slow pattern. He had to go back an


e beach, her tiny feet splashing i

on't go

she shouted with the biggest smile on her face. She was running backwards when suddenl


of strong arms grabbed her and pulled her back onto her fe

ister told you not to run too far from us. If I didn't m

ore turning back to her s

hard, coming to a full halt. Then, her body suddenly became weightless and she started to fall towards the ground like a li

ster's ghostly expression. She felt tears crashing out of her eyes li

reach them. Instead she stood in her spot and cried out loud, wiping away the non-ceasing tears with the b


ing but nobody wa


for an ambulance as he carefully picked up his unc


with Ichigo. "W-what?" she huffed, her

ed. Only few seconds ago he started to freak out when he heard Angel moaning next to him as if in pain. So

ep breath before responding. "Yeah,

ad dream," he said before reaching o

away. "I'm

re?" he

got caught up in her throat when she l

hange in her expression, I

r, heading towards the vast ocean. She kicked off her shoes and stepped on the warm sand, wiggling her

of, smiling as he watched Angel playing at the edge


ved back at Angel w

e laughed as she conti

quickly ran towards her. Once he reached there, he kicked at the water, spraying An

e kids that just needed ha

lse do

ill need to get shampoo and conditioner. You

Great, more money

g," Angel elbowe

ll the bags he was carrying back home fr

nded by tall trees to give it the private that came with the title 'private beach'. After getting settled in, they started to make a list of things that they needed to survive on, especially food. They walked to

side to stare at some of the weird looking vegetables she bought. "What exact

Angel scoffed, "I know what I

igo mumbled but Angel heard his comment and quickly step

know it," she crossed her arms

nd so Angel's sandals were a lot more painful than days when he wore sneakers. Muttering as many curs

ately smiled

n eyebrow. "What's up with you and the beach anyways? Just

a smile. "Like I said earlier today: I haven't been to the beach in o

they haven't seen it in years?" Ichigo snorted, "Does looking at a picture of a beach enough to

really need do something abo

ting to act the age your height is entailing—OW! I said stop doing that!" he

ting about my hei

t to retort whe

look on his face. "What?" she asked as s

"So you ARE self-consci

ed. "A-am not! I'm

nly hit me when I comment about your height b

I'm sure you're self conscious abou

h on top of his head. "Please

hing behind her as he followed her lead. He didn't stop and it was irritating her more and more with each passing second that once she

n his hands. He was on his ass, rubbing his sore jaw as he watched Angel disappear

" Angel shouted th

bags he dropped and making his way back inside. He went

bought. "Here," she handed him some items, "Take these to the bathroom…and

this over here, so on and so forth. He already got enough bruises from her to

shing her hand in the sink, getting ready to prep

"Just eat whate

ous brow. "Just as long

ng serious. After all, her cooking skills have improved immensely after she started living with h

shower," he said, "Call

d back as Ichigo we

igo—still couldn't believe she was actually capable of creating eatable food now. Back when he first taught her, ev

g d

down the apartment), and made her way to the front door. She undid the locks and swung it open. In front of her stood an old

and closing their mouths like a fish, "A—

o answer, she was interru

He was still wiping his wet hair with a towel while wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and his own skin

o show him their unexpected guests.

see." Ichigo turned to Angel and pointed to the old couple. "These two are our neighbors. They'

e. "Good evening. My name is Bushū

eir daze and returned the bow. "Ah, g

r sweet smile. "I guess it was to be expected when

just came by to see Ichigo-kun si

's been almost ten years

them. "I remember how you used to like my hand-made mochi so I brou

accepted the box. Her eyes im

ed sweetly at her. "Well, my dear, I th

ee," she smile

gel said, "Why don't you come inside for

. I haven't seen you guys in so

Ichigo-kun. But you arrived not too long ago so you must be tired.

stered what Watanabe-san just said. His face reddened. "W-wh-what?!"

in. She immediately grabbed her husband's extended hand and th

and Angel heard the old man sighing in mem

voice died down as their laugh

orner. The old man faced them and shouted,

er disbelief as the old couple

ammed the door shut, muttering about how everyone in h

with wide eyes. Did they—Ichigo and I—wedding?! Her mind started racing with all the words that the

moving a muscle. "Oi, midget? Are you just going to stand there all day or make dinner?" When he got

urned around but Ichigo was standing too close because the next second she col

onto his toned shoulders. The box of mochi that she held fell to the ground, it'

de the red on her face darken several more shades which she quickly hid by lowering her head. She was being held up by his tight g

an answer he leaned closer to see a blush on Angel's

or a punch but she merely shook her head, mak

back when he then noticed the position that th

finally mumbled, "Ichigo,

ld just place her on her feet and make

hing ha

his grip

g but her breath got sucked back in when she saw the intensity of his amber eyes on hers. For som

ng Angel against his half-naked form so tightly that no air could pass in between them. Nor did he expect her to look up at him with those innocent looking eyes that were

eresting was the fact that

. "Angel…" he breathed out. He felt Angel shivering against him as his breath fanned ov

don't know why

awhile since we've been her

'll play with daddy as

r mouth,

r older brother, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, holding a young attractive woman in his arms, their faces

as shocked as she passed the threshold behind

ease Angel and try to act like nothing was going on but he was too shocked to

ing frozen, but his son…with a woman…and his arms wrapped around her… Jacod stood gapping at the image, dropping all the luggage that

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