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The Alpha Prince's Secret Mate

The Alpha Prince's Secret Mate

Author: Blue pen

Chapter 1 Rain Is my mate

Word Count: 2241    |    Released on: 18/10/2023


since I turned ten years old. I've grown accustomed to hearing them, and

rks, or so they said. Everyone expected

expected that we would discover our mates that night. With the moon shining brightly in the sky, I walked to the front of the

they weren't wrong. But what if I wanted more? What if I'd been harboring a crush on my best friend since we turned thirteen? At firs

always together? I couldn't figure it out until we turned sixteen, and Rain got a girlfriend. That's when I realized that I was truly

, my friend," h

. Tonight was the night I would find my mate, and lusting after some

ndrews Family legacy. "Ugh!" Cara snorted, and I turned to face her. "My boyfrien

rolling his eyes. "We're about to celebrate a birthday he

ed and pointed a finger at her. "Why

s. "We're all going to find our mates tonight, and Jackson is going to be m

te?" He asked, and Cara nodded in response. Then he turned to me.

d," I replied, my eyes landing on Rain, who was laughing with his girlfriend. "Findin

ed. "As for me, I'll have all the girls in t

and they are..." I began, but Caden ra

't believe mates truly exist. T

girls in school," Cara retorted. "I don't care w

lapped his hand away. "Stop being so violent, little sister. By the end of the nig

did we even shar

narrowly avoiding being hit on th

veryone seated stood up from their chairs as m

side while my father stood by Cara's side. "A

. I just wanted the birthday party to end so I could leave. I cou

spered in my head. "You are me, and I am you. If our mates turn out

d him, grateful that my

y mind. "If this is about finding your mate, then you don't have to worry too much. F

someone different. My mother is a wonderful woman who loves her children deeply, but I do

prince's and princess's birthday. Thank you all for coming here," she said, then turned around to point towards u

ft until midnight. I couldn't believe that it was happening, and as I continued to think about it, my heart



down. They both looked happy, but I was dreading the mate revelation. Cara kept checking her phone, probably




I sighed and




ne's voices as they started singing the

r making our wishes, and min

lled us into a tight hug, squeezing all three of us toge

d. "We're not four

hair. "You will always be my baby,

friend, while Caden walked to Adeline. I was left alone

eave the boy alone. We can't force him

eems you are the serious one among my children. So,

ied, even though my

not a little boy anymore. Let him have fun." She gra

dess had fulfilled my wish, my eyes locked with Rain's. There he was, laughing alongside his girlfriend, the moon shining bri

in to the earthy perfume that arises when rain kisses the soil. My heart raced in my chest, and


med to freeze as our eyes met. The world around us blurred into nothing, and there was only Rain, his laughter, and the way h

eal moment. Rain tapped me on the shoulder, breaking the spell. The to

sity of the moment. Rain's obsidian eyes met mine,

to catch up with the whirlwind of emot

outed in my head. ''Tell

an't ruin his relationsh

py birthday, my mate," he pulled me into his embrace, triggering the electric shock a

ed her head as she greeted me. I smiled at her and then a

ed, diverting my mind from thou

in front of me, but I couldn't. I didn't want to break their re

girlfriend whispered something in his ear, and he laughed. "Sorry, Cody,

a deep sigh. ''I......'' I lowered my head and walked to the front o

ening to you?'

rst into another round of tears. ''He said that we

. ''Sorry, sister. You will surely find your

f replying, I walked to the front of the mansion and sat down on the steps.

she was my sister, I believed that she might start to see me as a different person. So, I shook my head. ''I be

d. ''You do. Rain is your mate. Tel

then I laughed. ''Maybe Caden was right when h

, let's go to the party and have fun,'' she grabbed my hand

nd pointed to Caden, who was dancing with girls flocked around him. I continued looking around until my eyes landed on Rain, and this time

im him!'' Ezra's voice

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