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The Alpha Prince's Secret Mate

Chapter 4 The new roommate

Word Count: 1819    |    Released on: 19/10/2023



ry. I had just arrived at the royal college, expecting to be treated like the crown prince that I was. Instead,

wo students should be per dormitory, Your Highness

ou have no idea where I am coming from. I have just returned from two years of prince training, and my parents hastily sent me here to

e I had to complete college immediately upon

oon as I arrived. It made me question why I was born as the crown prince, and when I g

ogize if this offends you, but in the royal college, apart from the honorific

"Can I please get my schedule, keys, and other i

ighness, the only thing I can provide right now are the k

wo years, and I had thought it was over, and now this," Ezra com

eycard in her hand. "This is the keycar

ame of the dormitory where I would be residing. "I just hope I won't be sharing with someone too loud," I said,

, someone else entered, too engrossed in her phone to notice me or acknowledge my presenc

had ha

e to deal with having a mate who didn't want me. I had spent two years trying to heal from his rejection, but the pain persisted. No matter how hard I trie

oon as I stepped out of the elevator, the girl who had entered with me raised her head to look at me. Whe

ted to hear the bustling noise of werewolves or lycans, but there was nothin

e, I t

someone I could relate to or even befriend. With a positive mindset, I swiped the card

verthinking it because I hadn't seen him in a long time or missed him. The smell sent shivers down my spine and made my body's

meone surprisingly lurking in the darkness. I was caught off guard,

weight of the person in the room. The moment our bodies touched, I gas

. The one person I had tried so hard to avoid was lying on t

ion. It was him, even though his voice sounded more profound and mature. His arms had

my scent, but to my disappointment, h

nable to keep up the pretense

e!" he shouted, tight

The disappointment in my voice was evident because I couldn't believe that I had been thinking about him for two years while he couldn't even remember me by m

p of me again. He clapped his hands, and a bright light reflected on my face. The light was so intense that not even Ra

he exclaimed.

side was green, and the other was a much darker green. Even his hair was different. It was now silver ombre and long, reaching his shoulder le

outed my name and tried to hug m

e ground, looking around the room. It was larger than I thought, with enough space for two people. I was expecting a bunk bed, but instead, there were two separate beds on each side, a long shelf divided

joke," I said,

e and stood up from the grou

I told him, then headed towards the door, walking out and heading towards the elevator. The last perso

that I could deal with getting rejected by my mate. I didn't tell anyone about it, even though my mother noticed that I w

woman who would be the crown princess, b


e of his feet between the doors before they could close, allowing him to

want to punch him so bad for everything," Ezra said. "And th

or Rain's. "Remember what happened, Ezra, and d

t his low voice was the coolest glow-up that he had. They

til the doors opened. I rushed out of the elevator and walked towards Lara, who was s

y problem, Y

. "There is no way I am sharing a ro

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