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The Alpha Prince's Secret Mate

Chapter 2 The kiss

Word Count: 2344    |    Released on: 18/10/2023


e an electric shock coursing through my body. I forced a smile, trying my best to hide the feelings I had for him. M

his attention. Rain sighed and folded his arms. I sighed in relief that he was keeping his hands to himself, sparing me fr

his hand on my shoulder again and gently squeezing it.

rowling at me?" he chuc

hed. "Eighteen is a great age," I said, trying to engage in a conversation with him, some

rolled his eyes at me. "In two months, I'll b

slapped Rain's back. "Stop compla

orted, scoffing. "Stop acti

" he asked, and we both shrugged our shoulders

ng his hands. "What are you three doing here, ch

e you're dancing with fi

dancing while you three are

" Cara asked, scanning the area. Th

"Where's your, uh, less than intelligent boyfrie

an appropriate topic. But he persisted, even laughing. "I guess the less-than-intel

her level. "Never mention that jackass's name in front of me again!" she

ffed and turned to leave. But then he stopped and faced us with his arms folded. "Since none of us hav

ne, but Rain, placing his hand on


y head. "I don't think I can hold it in anymore.

e has a girlfriend, and we can't

connection between us as if he was

rture, I thought as I continued to look at him. When our eyes met, he gave me a bright smile that lit up the who

o touch his face. "You look…" I had almost said that he lo

ers' party!" he announced, clapping his hands before leading a gro

where Cara was, she was also following behind, engaged in conversation with a boy I didn't even recognize. I

etend that I was unaffected, the bond was there, and only I was suffering from it. I closed my eyes throughout t

the moonlight in the garden, revealing Rain's beautifully chiseled face and his captivating obsidian eyes. The way he

but then he nudged me on the shoulder, breaking my train of thought. He point

oom with a bartender, and, as if that wasn't enough, our baby pictures adorne

icrophone, laughing. "Mind you, I already got permission from the alpha king and Luna queen about the party,

chaotic," Rain co

sensible one amongst them," I r

t here, right?" he asked, and it piqued my interes

asking abou

ling me towards the bartender. "Give

e. I acknowledged him with a wave and then faced Rain.

You have something on your forehead," he said, his fingers making contact with my forehead, making me gas

ush on him? I couldn't figure it out. I hated that I was feeling like this and st

teen," he handed the drink to me and clinked his glass with mine. "You don't have to say anything

might..." I gulped down the drink, feeling its warmth down my throat, but

mate wouldn't want you," he said, bursting into laughter. I joined in, though I knew deep down that if he knew he was my mate, he wouldn't like it. "I want another drink!" I sh

ourselves. It's called the king and servant!" he declared. "I'm sure you're all famili

where whoever picked the king’s card gave or

den explained the rules of the game. Whoever refused to do the king’s bid would be the king’s servant for five days. After he listed out the rules, the game started, and the cards were placed on t

to the guy, instructing him to dance with the girl he liked the most at the party. He picked another girl and danced wi

raising his card. "I am!" he screamed. "Who is the servant?" Rain sighed as he lifted his card. Just as he was about to stan

beautiful when he was drunk, an

hen chuckled. "I meant to

standing. "Servant," he cleared his throat and pointed at Rain. "I want you to, um...” he placed his hand on his chin and then

selves, but I was shaking terribly where I was. I looked at my brother and saw him laughing, unaware of

at the stupid game my brother had started. I clenched my fists while waiting patiently for who Rain wou

at was happening, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the ground. "You're my best friend,

not dreaming. "Are you sure about this?" I aske

shouted and then started c

us, staring at each other, waiting for who would lean in first. He did, but instead of kissing me, he rubbed his fingers on my lips. "Cody," he mutter

Ezra sang

mine was what I had always imagined. Soft and gentle. I couldn't help but kiss him back when his lips moved slowly against mine. Blo

in my head, satisfied wit



ly one lovin

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