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The Alpha Prince's Secret Mate

Chapter 3 The one night stand that leads to Rejection

Word Count: 2417    |    Released on: 18/10/2023


including Cara. I had thought she would still be crying from rejection

, but he was much worse than I was. He started singing whi

ped and pointed towards me. "Sing

m. "no," he shouted and fell to the ground. "I don't want to go home. I want to stay with you,"

he kiss returned to my head, and Rain was making it worse. "what are you doing, Rain

you look beautiful.’’ he kissed the side of my

aid. Was he saying that because he had always wanted to say it or because he was

gave me a sloppy kiss on the forehead, and then he ro

hand on my head. I blinked repeatedly as I stared at the ceilings,

ur face was so close enough that we would kiss if I leaned closer again. I placed my hand on the left side of hi

ch again. The kiss was much more passionate this time as our lips moved in a slow rhythm, and then he started kissing his way ac

ou smell so good’’ I felt

anyone could walk on us. "Rain," I gently pushed him away and stood up. "we should go to my room," my voice came out

im so fuck

him from the ground. He hugge

and around his waist. "do you remember my name?" I asked

started singing again. "if all the rain drop

is side of Rain," Ezra commente

had said that aloud. I cleared my throat

," he pinche

against my skin even though I was still recovering from our make-out.

hat are

lking, and then he kissed my jawline, then he tr

ock twitched, and my heart jolted in my chest when

his way of telling him that he also wanted this. He sudd

whispered into my ears. "I fucking love your scent," he stated, and I felt

his mouth, desperate and aching, waiting for more. "Cody, I have been watching you from afar, and I must say that you are….." he didn't finish what he

nse and placed one of my hands above my head, and his other hand cupped my chin. I also reached my hand against his mu

dly and hugged his waist to bring him closer. Rain responded by moving, straddling my hip

ring my mouth with his tongue. My hips arched

my chest until I felt him yanking on the button of my pants. "Cody, I don't know when I

me excitedly, glad that he

he said it without because it

iving us my answer, and I could feel the

k,’’ I nodde

me for a brief moment, and I watched as he removed his pants and removed hi

called out

question again. "are you sure?" his voice was

at I had al

me again. The kiss went on while Rain continued to straddle me. I was desper

he asked, his

shouted. "but…. I have

" he said, and he parted my legs, and I felt his fingers, cold against my st

His breath mingled with mine. I cried out again, and then my hands stretc

oing," I whispered and continued clutching his hips. I let out a sound from my

e kissed

g my hips move underneath him to meet hi

felt my limbs shaking tension, and I could hea

ster and grabbed my nec

ed out for the last time, reaching a climax at the same time as me, and I collapsed with tens

t you?" Ra

head on his chest. "it was amazing, Rain," I looked up t

and mated with my m

ng that his rain scent was still there, meaning he was still by my side

bed. I was shocked by his attitude, wondering why he was suddenly acting like th

shouted at me. That was the first time I heard him shout

ain him with my hands. "how the hell did I end up on the bed with you?" he looked around until

my hair. "we had sex last night

m I going to tell Amara? We haven't e

hen Caden asked you to pick someone of the opposite sex, you picked me, and then from there, th

once she found out you slept with your best friend? I am not gay, Cody,

to happen. It just happe

ou betrayed me! I can't believe that I trusted you to be my frie

ed this. i…..’’ I wanted to tell him then tha

o face Amara. You broke the bro code and….." he lowered his head. "I am going home now. Let

yanked it off mine. "Rain, I thought that this

were overwhelmed by the kiss that meant nothing to me!" he yelled and dropped his hands. "like I have said Cody, let's not

re mated to him!" Ezra shouted in my head.

look of disgust on his face? Our mate had just reject

d. I headed into the bathroom, turned on the shower, an

was a waste of time. He didn't want me for what he had done, and

d, letting my tears flow alongside the water. Some things

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