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Chapter 3 Blue Moon

Word Count: 1547    |    Released on: 25/10/2023

isode 3


he bed she was under i

d less, rather it increase

ome pale wi

rself to the bathroom, tr

omething hot, she would throw he

e thermostat to the highes

the nob for hot water, as the water touched her skin steam

throom floor weakly an

mith cor

"The worker's greet

traight to his office and immediately started the day's work, he h

n annoyance, he didn'

call him first to chec

said after m

s unusually dressed. Her skirt was much shorter than bef

est up and bit her

Raphael" She said

ow, she obviously had a

said coldly still f

la said feeling bad he hadn

said his tone

your office?"Stella said sobbin

aused and

my company, you're fired" R

r knees she never thoug

tage of the situation since he

er boss ever since she was employ

n suits entered and dragged her away, s

ow he had to find


r aunt who she had come to know as

ought in, she quickly ran to he

u?"Annabelle asked

a shook

okay"Annabelle said

agency in this city, her contract will allo

el needs. Is that clear? " Anna

X nodded

s hand and led her out of the

nnabelle's h

Annabelle's mom said

s unreachable" She said

e and shower"

d went inside leav

d in a week". Annabe

ou" Her mom s

you tell us so little."Annabelle said w

ty for a brighter futur

-"Annabelle's m

either". Annabelle said and walked away from her mother and to he

known locat

Secret room*

ough a glass box illum

e gem, soon a lady was pushed into the room

oked disheve

hat else?" The man ask

st wait for the next full moon" S

at going to

r and pinned her neck to the wall, at a closer look fangs c

ked in panic, he released he

n't think I'll be able to

o try Alexan

ater at X ma

ng table, she looked different,

s, she looked like a business woman one wou

rought to her she felt,

r sitting position

ompany, since her so called husband to be hadn

On the way t

he mansion, the occupants of the

Raphael asked uncomfortably, he didn't

to attract the papar

them know you're forcing your only son to mar

Mr Damian

ee it"Raphael replied coldly, his hair was made int

d leave with her."Mr Damia

apers and leave with her. Then leave her to die."

dogs lie Ralp

Unknown loc

his chest, just a little mor

didn't look up, he could k

The man who walked in laughe

oin me?" Alexander sa

He said sitti

y feet in no time

u said thirteen y

now, Lucia will heal me"

I want to s

my powers and show you no mercy" Rio said, his t

big bro" Alexander

Rio said laughing and p

X mansion

e abode" Madam X said

, where's the girl" Damian

teeth, she made it seem like Annabelle really had a place t

the lawyer will soon be her

bathroom?" R

X quickly answered while she

ewhere In a da

xe at the trunk of

hen fell i

by hurting nature" Martha

hurting us?"He asked and pl

ound at the indicating

d of the ground and pla

ou right" Rico said

said holding

gently and crac

lexa trapped us here let's make th

t was one of the perks o

mped on landing he had tran

g to?" She said cli

ich probably transl

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