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Chapter 8 Evil intentions,,

Word Count: 1058    |    Released on: 25/10/2023

sode 8*

house, Annab

ily moving backwards. Now she believed in werewolves, for w

ess" The masked man said and took a swipe at her,

exes had become f

blows which she began to f

d backward, it was twice the normal pa

vase and smashed it on her assailants

alized the glass vase wa

aid and grabbed her by her ne

ed her up roughly, his claws gave her wounds ar

round and the masked man laughed

el's office*

ughed and h

a glass of water a

e to his wife, he j

s because h

about Clara ba

babe" S

urity point in this building so no body let's yo

hands" She said ignoring

o be disturbed by you, leav

ed your honeymoon. Or she didn't give you

on't make me throw y

d up and began to

said, but nothing else wou

ut at her the door ope

tion, Raphael just sat there,he became more relaxe

d at Clara who

sked his mate in a cool voice, m

xplanations" Clara

h other" Raphae

said with a sad ex

h a comforting look. Even though he normally didn't voice ou

abelle's ro

led but his grip

ked the colla

l" She strug

g"The masked man

for his hands which were

a faint glimmer of blue light spar

the unknown man checked his hands like s

fully, her powers had w

screamed, his hands h

d looked at the blue l


e now, this is goin

hands on his head and

the blood in his veins began to freeze his l

ped every sign of movement, h

slhivered nervous, she needed to

n't know how t

council of w

other with so much contempt and hat

nt down the rouges whi

" Gauis said and Da

those creatures" Damian said with hi

e you don't like has to be

ents and think"Gauis sa

mething wrong. We send them a warning message, if they

witches are always d

cturing a new species"Damian said shaking

wolves to take down the rouges, let's l

den." Gauis said and with that

e's forest ba

deep in the forest, it l

n personal wo

ges where gathered

with different chemicals in t

iven a shot of a green chemical

mes bigger and stronger and surprisingly they had complete c

aken their shot Bruce's right

ere Alpha" He

even the wolves he modi

to know what they are up against" Bruce said, if he killed the

owled and howle

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