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Chapter 1 Strange Encounter

Word Count: 1541    |    Released on: 25/10/2023

you"Fiona said annoying

ep mom though she was the owner of t

y step mom because of how

reaming a

e Cinderella and tagg

complain about something so I braced myself up to hear whatever she had

ire called more soft

'am" I answe

e was nervous, the cup of coffee i

ose dropping the c

into my hands very secretly, I could fee

t leads to the alley, go straight to s

e I could ask what she meant a group of men in black wa


ck" One of the men said, I wondered why people

vise you check the next store" Mrs Claire sa

?" The men aske

shop I know my staff" Mr

shop" They said as they to

y left she rushe

e said,her tone both

f those men taking me. I didn't even

subway, I kept standing till I got to my stop, I ran out like s

nd the lock clicked

house was scattered,

d in the bravest vo

ittle sobs. I rushed to the kitchen where the s

as my fifteen year old younger sister and the thought of som

r" My mom said

ed shaking my mom

secrets?!" I screamed more

said wiping my face, I made to leave when I

quickly and

ew less" My mom cried, it was an expensi

e secrets

our own good

to our whole paternal family. Now you're hiding a clue I could

mom tried

ld speak, I knew she wasn't

lly forgetting Mrs Claire's warnings. I checked the car

sn't really

and realized I had walked a

mp cloth was placed over

me X's ma

elle's PO

my vision became clear to see a tall built scary man looking at me with a weird loo

gged and my hands weren't tied either

urst into

He said and walked out of t

ed, I nearly forgot I was kidnapped, I rushed to th

bed, I knew I needed to get

door open and a lady in a maids unifo

k." The lady who I guessed wa

respect for a captive, the only th

but was surprising

ed me back

e to change

nch. Please cooperate with us" She sa

eld me like an animal to be slau

er close to an hour of struggles and change of exp

d admired her handiwork, she no

lifted me like I weighed nothing, I was m

t floor, firmly but still gently th

th group of

's point of

said with my

gy not a

d angrily, by she I mean Clara my fiancee

ir to Smith corp, one of the strongest chains tha

cause they don't know my secret, if

ows and still stays with me,

n survive being with you, you're supposed to

to do this." I said sincerely. Clara always made sure to rub it in,

e, picked up her des

y anything to me, I don'

handle my problem, that's

Madame X's

elle's PO

c dining room, which had different delicacies arranged neatly

tomach grumbled. What if the food was

s. Just one door that was well guarded. As I thought of a plan I heard footsteps, s

e was adorned with precious st

eful and looked at me like


lonely she had to ab

She said and that sentenc

ded her and began to scoop little

unned, she chuckled softly and ra

rother" She said and s

lse in my head questioned i

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