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Chapter 10 They are coming,,,

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 25/10/2023

ode 10 *

k lands

to the skies and the

rise in the direc

a taste of th

was still on the floor

their own and his eyes o

to look around conscious

d transformed into a black wolf,

tant he d

when she saw a shadow r

tone and they all began

n Sophie then R

unds as the portal closed,they c

phael's ho

elle's room

elle where huddled

len asleep

er move to her bed, he just m

smiling and looking

e first time in his entire life he was

ered open and s

He said in

where in, she was heavy and she m

e said rubbi

ael said smiling

abelle looked around and found her room in a perf

d realized she didn't even k

t and all the liquid in his body

er" She said

he just turned away

wrong?" She asked whe

u're a monst

ere so many things in the shadows. It's safe

hings in the shadow

"it's happier when yo

o kill you?" Annabelle pressed on, Raphael knew

aken aback, she alr

good ones a

you know?" R

are other creatures"Annabelle said,

ngs mistakenly popped out. I didn't tell you because

uietly assimilate

get lunch and dinner."He said stan

eat love?" Raphael said

uld be fine" Sh

be taking just anything, you own this place"Raphael sai

and cheese" Annabelle

" He said and kissed

stopped him. He was increasin

first I'll go inform

belle said

the door and sm

hour later

of pyjamas, combed her hair and

put on so

, she held her heart so it w

the kitchen and met Anton

pped, did he e

surprised, then he hit

racle if he

l already ea

have dinner but I started with the dishes and I forgot

behead me" Antonio

ld speak they both h

I not?" Raphael said and they both

shook li

ult, I got c

earlier" An

arched a

alked towards Annabel

we?" H

shyly and follo

he next morni

p in the fore

epily as the sun ray

red with a

overwhelmed him he was back

said with a smirk, he th

are camping for

want to see my kids" Alexander s

it's safe"

artha scream

asked as his mate

in this forest and they are comi



d and urged her to run, she did b

his brother and Rico

d they ran towards the direct

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