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Convenient Love

Chapter 5 Marriage

Word Count: 1610    |    Released on: 23/11/2023

savour the taste of him. Oh my God, when did i start having such thoughts. My cheeks would probably be so red right now. " Did your mother not ever teach you that staring is rude", Alex snap

in the dinning area, alex was already sat there on the table. His focus completely on his phone to the point where he did not notice my arrival or if he did, he did not make it known. The table was filled with different dishes that looked very delicious. His family must be down anytime soon and i don't want to be here when that happens . I have had enough of people saying mean things to me already. I walked up to him and cleared my throat, making my presence known. He did not even look up. " You asked me come here" He did not respond. I spoke up again. " i want to thank you for yesterday but i would like to leave now." I stood for a while, waiting for him to say anything. When it seemed like he won't be saying anything to me. I started moving away. I guess i would just find my way out. "Sit down", a deep baritone voice spoke up I halted my steps. Was he talking to me? I highly doubt that. I continued walking. "I take it that you have a problem hearing ao I will repeat myself one more time. SIT YOUR ASS DOWN THERE!!" i practically sprinted to the chair and sat down. Keeping my face down trying to avoid all contact with him I heard the shuffling of the chair and Alex's approaching footsteps. He touched my cheek, rubbing it soothly. I got lost in his touch, closing my eyes to enjoy the feeling. He brought my chin up, forcing me to open my eyes. We were so close, too close for my sanity. We were practically breathing each other's air at this point. And boy did i love that Grey eyes bore into mine, i was not thinking properly at this point. It was as though he hypnotized me. "Whenever i speak to you, keep those pretty eyes one me". He said snapping me out of my daze Did he just call my eyes pretty. That means he thinks my eyes are pretty. Of course, you idiot, i mentally face palmed myself. Ahhh, God my heart is having 10000 backflips at this point. " Now eat". he said harshly, walking back to his seat. There goes the Jerk i know. "I'm not hungry". I guess i spoke too quickly. My stomach betraying me immediately, rumbling out as though i haven not eaten in years. I quickly hid my face in embarrassment. Can this day get any worse "Eat, we don't have all day. I'll drop you off when you're done". He said taking a sip of his juice. Right in front of me, were some very juicy pancakes and eggs. I took a bite and tried to stiffle a moan. It was that good Alex was glaring at me, his jaw clenched. I wonder what i did now. " Get up, we're leaving now." He was angry.i got up and walked behind him, trying to keep up with

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1 Chapter 1 Lily2 Chapter 2 Home sweet Home3 Chapter 3 Loosen up4 Chapter 4 Broken 5 Chapter 5 Marriage 6 Chapter 6 Acceptance 7 Chapter 7 My Gruesome thoughts 8 Chapter 8 The meeting room 9 Chapter 9 A married woman 10 Chapter 10 A Contractual Tomorrow 11 Chapter 11 A Rollercoaster Of Emotions 12 Chapter 12 A Runaway Groom 13 Chapter 13 My Honeymoon 14 Chapter 14 Wild Desires15 Chapter 15 The Visit 16 Chapter 16 Dinner17 Chapter 17 My Beloved brother 18 Chapter 18 Twenty Questions 19 Chapter 19 My New Flatmate20 Chapter 20 My wife… my business 21 Chapter 21 Our Little Argument 22 Chapter 22 New Crush, New Job23 Chapter 23 We all want what we can’t get24 Chapter 24 The cold room of thoughts25 Chapter 25 Headlines 26 Chapter 26 Seeking answers 27 Chapter 27 Audacious Men28 Chapter 28 Sweet gestures29 Chapter 29 Butterflies 30 Chapter 30 The Function31 Chapter 31 The Function II32 Chapter 32 Have you ever been in love 33 Chapter 33 The Park34 Chapter 34 A baby!!35 Chapter 35 Seconds away from being a mother 36 Chapter 36 The Confession 37 Chapter 37 The Cell38 Chapter 38 All games no hurt39 Chapter 39 Coffee Romance 40 Chapter 40 Decisions41 Chapter 41 The Surprise 42 Chapter 42 The Kiss43 Chapter 43 Ungodly hour44 Chapter 44 Making babies45 Chapter 45 A good way to start your day46 Chapter 46 Give them a show47 Chapter 47 Your New Home 48 Chapter 48 His suffering 49 Chapter 49 The Boogeyman 50 Chapter 50 The beginning of Revelations 51 Chapter 51 Shady Paths 52 Chapter 52 Unfamiliar surroundings 53 Chapter 53 Siblings 54 Chapter 54 Confrontation 55 Chapter 55 Erotic sessions 56 Chapter 56 My Reality57 Chapter 57 My honest reaction 58 Chapter 58 Delusional 59 Chapter 59 The Sadness Within60 Chapter 60 The vow61 Chapter 61 The Birth of my Father’s Daughter 62 Chapter 62 This Lily 63 Chapter 63 My Wants64 Chapter 64 To all Romantics65 Chapter 65 Chef Lily66 Chapter 66 The table67 Chapter 67 Men…68 Chapter 68 Morning sickness69 Chapter 69 We all have a story70 Chapter 70 What’s your story 71 Chapter 71 What’s next 72 Chapter 72 Clay creation