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Pregnant ex wife

Chapter 2 Precious

Word Count: 1020    |    Released on: 25/01/2024

xchanged contact with the Old man

he got down from the car and than

wn on his face when he saw her shabby the place was. It was a house f

s he didn't want her to see him like a person who judged her because she lived in

ving out very soon" Bella

morrow, so we can talk" He told

off from work tomorrow a

ble with the Old man and felt free to sp

row by God's grace" The Old man waved

but as she walked to the area of her apartment, she saw a man

was indeed wai

wrist watch and already kne

ard come to her hou

owards him with her

rds her but her next words as she reached him stopped him in his tracks "What the he

th anger. How dare the rasca

his time? Like alwa

ust need a minute with you" The man is identi

ce with me" Bella was furious at Henry . Guy who had t

r my intention to have anything to do with Ava. She s

door and inspected the key and

g her attention, he tried to grab her

yourself and st

you speak to me" He

at thoughts out of my mind so many times because I thought that I might be suffocating you with being so protective but to you I was being j

id, I know"

ant to be" Bella said and


la just treated him. She even ba

has really mess

door but there

. It was never my intention to hurt you. It will

my door" Bella's angry

ough he knew that Ava had feelings for him but he never thought tha

ven if it's for a minute.please"

looking simple and beautiful per usual. Henry

why not go home to look at Ava" Her

ease?" He asked nervously after regaining his c

that I want you out" Bella said and shifted a

t the room now looked foreign to him. Before, around the room were pictures of both of them

und the room was pictures of h

of them together have all

m out of his thoughts. She was now cold to him. She sat down oppos

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