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Pregnant ex wife

Pregnant ex wife

Author: Oceania

Chapter 1 Old man Perry

Word Count: 1025    |    Released on: 25/01/2024

t m

who had suddenly grabbed her into a qui

r as the three of them walked slowly tow

ery quiet as expected because it was known to be

e clearly goi

e of the men said as he had a

id. His own face looked like it was cur

y purse, I have a couple of cash in it." She pleaded with

e planned to run, one of the men grabbed her hand and whisper

preventing them from doing anything t

es to tou

corners of the silent street makin

ards the area where

ur hefty and scaring looking guards by his sid

Perry!!!" One of the me

the richest men in Europe. He was one of th

lor in the whole of Europe and had vario

es like the Finance Industry, the Property Industry, the lar

involved in

e restaurant. He wasn't with any cash to pay for the fruit juice he drank so she paid for him

other to sponsor herself as well as her younger throu

walk away from here or I can handle this situation the hard way which will not end well

t his threats because of his huge connection In the c

r worst for them

sed and ran with their ta

finally breathed out in Joy after seeing this Ol

n asked and stretched his hand t

ful " She thanked him and sto

watched her carefully. She was very different from the

being revealed. He was treated rather badly by her colleague but she was able to resolve t

or Jake, his grandson but

you going to?" He as

specially since he just saved her from b

g home after work" Bel

your safety. It's already late"

thanked him again and f

uld wait for the Old man to leave f

expensive car.When Bella saw

tti La Voitur

proximately $18.

r of a Billionaire, this car could b

ately she entered the car, it's cozy space made her feel like s

old man said and smiled at her

in Sir for your hel

pping you at your place to discuss business" The Old man a

him today, but he had he

e from harm today and I will forever be

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