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Pregnant ex wife

Chapter 4 But I have an offer for you

Word Count: 1031    |    Released on: 25/01/2024

partment only to see her neighbors outside the compound gossiping. It was mostly the

or?" one of the women who was in her forties asked as t

g else, I saw this car drop her off last night" A you

e women were fond of doing as

ng see greeted her respectfully making her a little embarrassed. He opened the door of the car for her letting

g exposed to such fancy and elaborate

ontact with one of the rich people in the country. T

sion which took her breath away . So this was the famous Glamorous

on his sixty years birthday which was

nsion took a few minutes giving Bella the opportunity to

to see the Estate from television or the social media . But here she is taking a

e driver's voice jerked h

d she stepped down from the car and was led into t

at how respectful

y she was receiving such sp

he parlour an

has seen before, all the artwork

athtaking the place was. Wasn't

please have your seat" One of the maid

form of space she has seen in a house before. The artworks tha

to have her seat, she was too s

even if she was sold they won't be able

rd the old man's voice from behind making h

looking younger than his age. Hmmm. Money

plied him with a smile at well w

ation, please have your seat" Th

was curious to why the old man had

. She is the kindest woman I have ever met in my entire l

t made Bella really happy that the old man had really l

and even if you think that you only did a smal

eing rich he is very kind and caring towards people. Just because

ing heart and conscious would have done. And

ith who passed away five years ago in a road accident. You have a younger brother named Peter who is studying medicine in New York City

Henry Lan and you wish to work under the P

The old man just read her life like he had a book in

time she has exclaimed si

a. but I have an offer for you" Th

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