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Pregnant ex wife

Chapter 5 Grandpa

Word Count: 1068    |    Released on: 25/01/2024

at will push you to your full potential. Let me help you and your brother to have the life

ions, how could she thank him e

rateful sir, thank you" Bella was moved t

I'm doing this just to support you out of pure si

was going to make a perfect

eed a girl of good values and character and neede

h means if things come to work out well , then the both of them would make

ronic grandson has fi

xpenses and yours will be paid as soon as possible for the remaining tim

Sir, you are indeed sen

ou can see I live here all alone aside from the workers and securities here. My grandchildren sometimes

l and he wasn't go

a was happy to have finally met someone wh

they were both alone in this cruel

ly knowing him yesterday. Maybe she she saw him as a fathe

your things I. the house and bring it here immediately,

ll and all necessary documents will be processed and handed over to your landlord over y

le the situation in a blink of an eye. All he nee

gain. I was thinking of ho

are used to referring me as?" The old man asked . He really wan

soon she would be joining the family directly when she m

No.. I mea

hed out loud at

ct candidate for

a wife for his chronic s



n sitting comfortably on the

ld is back, finally" The old ma

e old man while he was stil

she graduated from the University and was later employed as

Peter as well as work for

he old man even if she felt sometimes s

one more year be

ntered her life and he had completely chan

eet some members of

and cute granddaughter of the old man.

Mrs Amelia, the son of

arnt about the different branch that the Perry group of Industries

her figure and both of

on is also a good man an

he was rich. They had both only met twice and he never for once answered

naire to always be cold and who didn't like coming to

long as he doesn't go around

oneself with

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