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REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 2 Mated to a werewolf

Word Count: 1795    |    Released on: 31/01/2024


heard him wh

d I couldn't remove my gaze from him. I locked eyes with him and noticed t

him, but I felt intoxicated by

and made an animal-like sound I

g at each other, until I saw him bl

alked into the room, and met the man s

sir”. I


before taking th

for earlie

thing, sir.'

I nervously turned around, only to find his gaze on

, meet Victoria, the young

to us but did not say a word, rather he just

my hand to him for a handshake, but he ignored me, which m

taking my leave.'' I said those words and quick

the old man asked when he not

not.'' I chuc

rough and dominant voi

felt cold and a shiver ran through

ng her, Eric,'' h

't let the word leave my mouth

oom, I released a breath

he minute I met him? This mysterious man acted like

d, confused, and

d my roommate w

he?'' sh

fine,'' I

ding worried. This was one thing I loved about

en I made mention of his son, I felt my body shiver

hing okay?''

took place at the h


ened at the hospital and So

called you mate?

”. I r

xclaimed loudly and

oving closer to her, so I could see

u just met a

I just met a werewol

anded me her laptop and

ht werewolves were only in movies

ng real. And you are a mate to one.'' s

what do you mean?''

soul mate, that's why the momen

r.'' I

Sonia asked wit

ow him, and by the look of things,

w that?'' Sonia a

towards me s

r eyes at me and

ir mates. That's how strong the bond between you two

before speaking up. “Ma

t it. You are mated to a werewolf. Oh my God, he

words and wondered why s

ans to be mated to an alph

m the bed and went to the bathroom, put on the showe

set of green eyes and how dark they bec

, stop it.'' l urged mysel

m, Sonia was still busy

his.'' Sonia waved her ha

want to.''

e me. “You have to be marked by your mate.'

that mean?'' I

during sex to claim you as his.'' Sonia

e hell!''

re you sh

this.'' I told her

w there are very possessives o

ou pleas

ow you will undergo a period called

I shouted in anger and pla

topic for the moment because I knew she wo

oft sigh and wal

ry.'' she

told her with a smile, which she re

some movies throughout

e nex

ve up already, I'm n

lors in this country, he has different companies

ow about this?'' I

checked out wealthy guys bearing the name Er

spoke with irritation. I

riend? You are fucking Ri

did you get this information?'

last night.'' she spoke wi

e awake all night.'

it,'' she replie

ing else.'' I left her a

ing in a popular BDSM club. A friend of ours told us t

t talking about Eric. It seemed she knew him more

nd were asked to sit a

er, I was called up

o wait, that they would contact us an

did well.''

lf.'' Sonia replied, and we

She spoke with the person for a while before she ended the cal

they are ca

.'' I

k up f

interview. They have accepted me and asked me to start by tomorrow since the

ve both been employed

' Sonia spoke with a big a

ate.'' I told her a

d the fridge, all t

realized she was pretending

d in front of her


eplied without

rinks?'' I asked w


” I spo

last night “.

I asked while si

and kept on typin

d and angry look b

uneventful, and I couldn't

ub. We were shown around the club and introduced to all the staff.

our uniforms and

xed she was, and wondered how she could

men and women tonight, and for some st

to bar 3 while I wa

ook a deep breat

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