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REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 3 Fight with my wolf

Word Count: 1815    |    Released on: 31/01/2024


red me. How could my mate be this weak? Not only was she a human, but

shouted at no one bu

st scared your mate away.'' Dad spoke in a d

y mate.'' I sho

ays otherwise.

y wolf.''

ur words.'

ever come out from your mouth.''dad was getting a

ld see were her beautiful set of brown eyes, which annoyed me.frustrated, I ran my finger

must do everything to get her, she is

ord, I groaned in an

me to Sophie's place, because I knew she was

nt. I opened the door and met a half-naked Sophi

ed under my arms as I took her to the bedroom.I threw her on the bed and started undres

ughty girl.'' I told her

my master.'' She spoke in a low su

y in pleasure and

ed her breasts hungrily, while she moans

ld of my dick and began sucking roughly. Sophie knew I

or because of her personality, but one thing I knew is that she was

m any moment, so I pushed her away and she obediently

slid it on my dick. There was no need for pr

r filled with pleasure and moans.She tried touching me, but I quickly took her hands and pinned th

utes before I released inside t

up myself and brought a wet warm t

lay on the bed beside her,

your dad.'

attack wasn't ser

e replied and immedi

h after sex, she always gets tired a

ced she was indeed a beauty. A beautiful face and a

saw her eyes again, the eyes of my supposed mate. Q

I went to the balcony to relieve myself sin

t her, and I was able to subdue him, b

her. I groaned in anger and went back to the room and forced myself

and saw Sophie sleeping peacefully while t

put on my underwear and t

ed some whiskey in the glass and emptied the glass in my mouth while I tried t

grunted angrily and

t and went back home. When I got home, m


downstairs for dinner. After dinner, I called dad, and we spoke for som

eyes and thought about Sophie. She has been asking me whe

rewolf, and had begged me to change i

y and that will be the right time to

d made me restless. Sighing in frustration, I stood up from the bed. My wolf has been disturbed sinc

live in this estate. When I got to the woods, I took off my clothes, shifted into my wolf form and found myself at ease. I walked

met my aunt at the

ll awake?'' I aske

you in case you might need anything.'' She said t

n't have, I'm

ere a kid, I'm just

d took the glass of water from her. Aunt Re

r, and she took me like her son. She was a human, just like mom, but wasn't lucky with men, so she dec

fight with your wolf again?'' aunt vo

my room. I wasn't ready for ano

nother bath and for

was a Saturday and

met my aunt watching a m

ake.'' aunt spoke up

. I went to the kitchen and took a bottle of

ith Aunt until she decided to go back home. I wanted to d

ady past 9pm, and I was bored, so I deci

a black suit and to

was going and didn't both

we got to the club

.''the security guard

o address me as DOM Tim in places li

ur subject.'' he lowered his he

felt a familiar scent coming from the other end of the room, and the scent was intoxicatin

nd bar stand. The more I moved closer to the bar stand, the

stand and sat on the high st

e scent was coming from, when someone rushed

k something from inside, what should I get you?'' she

I groaned and became restless. '

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