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REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 8 Punishment

Word Count: 1438    |    Released on: 31/01/2024


groaned in frustration and turned around. He walked over to me and stood before me with his piercing eyes. Kelvin could actu

t?" I asked

pt staring at me. I realized what he w

e gotten what I wante

your b

n his face. I looked at him and noticed he was rememberin

ld be thinking of your pack and stop bothering me." I said those words and t

anger while I turned around and

e, but not me, Eric." he said those w

spoke up, "What do you want?" I asked in annoyanc

" he spoke with a bi

e's here,

to mind your busines

ds, so your bus

all he just said, and in order not to exch

er until he decided to speak up. "Yo

ith him." I

ointed at my reactio

do what is righ

k." I said those words and angrily opened the car door, b

car, and my dr

" he asked, unsu

she came. I have a united pack that was in good shape, I have a perfect life, and an a

driver calle

m but did no

ided to drive me home. I got out of the car and

nd I know she wouldn't be back,

room but found no one. I groaned in anger and went upstairs. I w

ie on her knees in a submissive position, while both

sition, I felt my dominant form t

closer to her and caress her cheek softly. The minute

room, I took a quick shower and came back

osition., Sophie was good in play like this, that was wh

and sat on the bed, while

thout taking permission from me.'

ered but did

ed closer to her. I place my finger

hed for this, right.'' I told h


re in a play like this, she was supposed to

.'' I spoke softly wh

me, master

nd I went to my drawer, too

hem and plac

nd up.''

d stood before me with her face down

o my room without my permission, and you will hav

er.'' she repl

tly and ordered h

ber your safe

es, ma

at's that.'

aster.'' sh

ent panties that were clearly showing her private. I gro

rmission.'' I whispered seductively in her ear. I felt her shiver

'' she spoke softly whi

ears old, but she acts like

saying the word before she left my laps and rushed to t

with her stomach, obe

he bed and took the r

e the materials besides her,

.'' I asked while

'' she rep

cuff and handcuffe


from the bed and knelt o

ched her Ass, while she moans softl

ned when I saw her well perfect shaped Ass, and it took all t

.'' I asked while

'm ready.'' she sp

an it through her Ass, while she moan

dly, I gently

aned out in pains

th my left hand and lande


r Ass again, and

r.'' She

'' She moa

kissed her neck before wipi

She whispere

my permission.'' I asked while

.'' She moans



her back before I ga

moaned and exc

whip and pulled

elaxed in my arms, but made

'' She whispered seductively into my ear,

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