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REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 6 Weak mate

Word Count: 1044    |    Released on: 31/01/2024

ha Er

f whispered in p

the room, but this time he was howling in

!'' I ca

d flashed me a

es s

ere, I will be th

round and walked towards

rritation and wa

te, and especially a human mate, because

ess for me ,and I don't have to worry or bother abou

working in Victoria's stand. Sandra

how can I help you.'' she

nt, but I'm looking for Victoria.'' I

and tucked her hair in her

DOMS interested in her.

said those words, my wolf

ommanding tone. Sandra noticed I wasn't in the

nformation from her, I groaned and walked away. I left the club

pain and discomfort. The pain became unbe

scent and knew she was close by. I

street and saw her st

.'' I murmur

wolf, Mike wouldn't have gott

er and noticed what

her as his, even when h

y and restless, and I wasn't able to control

ddess, I will feed your head to the vultures.'' my

The moment she realized she was free from Mike

I murmure

erything possible to calm my wolf before he does so

I was able

e. What the hell are you doing

him but did

k few steps closer to me

'' he said those words

iness.'' I replied

t know anything about you.'

ords with you, just stay away from

' he spoke back in

and restless, and it took all

h I knew he wouldn't think of i

at me and I felt my

ve me a cute smile, bu

k.'' I

e confused, but d

rom me and went ins

d going back to the club,

I stood on the spot

e back with two cups

she beamed widely at

be here.'' she smiled cutely at me,

e a cup of coffee, but I ign

a thank-you gift

did not stop walking, n

ding for me to take the coffe

R.'' she

talkative and irritating mate, I hated noise and disturbance and t

ought when I felt a

ckly turned around and

e touch me, ever agai

and saw fear and weakness

ep breath to calm mys

ned and ran my fing

started coughing profusely in pai

e made My wolf cried out

h me, and I could see fear and pains in h

y, for some strange reasons, I

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