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Exiles of the Netherworld

Chapter 7 Eruption

Word Count: 870    |    Released on: 05/02/2024

unlikely venue. Small wonder many deemed her madness personified for br

old. Hurtling straight towards Jock's face, no chance remained for the stunned brute to evade or sh

exceeding regular mortals’ absent magical enhancements. And no one expected this

seemed. This specially triggered protective barrier emanated from a slender silver staff in

efore Lilina’s mystical missile overpowered it completely! Still,

enveloping sapphire conflagration also dissolved - transmuting

dividual mages, even variations on a common theme lik

stomized derivation - much like Lilina herself transcended ordinarySenior Apprentices. Her pro

over half the assembled mob in but a single exchange! Novices without adequate defenses fared poorest aga

e apprentice in the lead - also of middling advancement like Jock himself. Incense

nterparts in both spellcraft and ruthlessness - inherent means of enduring rel

throat! Absolutely outpacing Alberic's fastest magic projectiles,

lethal halls. Alberic staggered briefly from the in

t mental corrosion. Still, Lilina constituted t

ured the onslaught. Rapid recitation fueled his lover’s retalia

without exception - even formidable appre

lina’s hands, a rarer enchanted item from her

shone with stygian light - vanguard of the next

xt barrage arriving from behind just

nal superiority. Over ten low and mid-level threats could coor

ectly with weapons drawn - his blade smoldering

r than reflecting a mere enchanted artifact. Professional terminologies existed for

arish realm - his mottled scars themselves testified to surv

capability in turn - but invariably fell short of fa

ted solely to mystical mastery, while Jock spl

ed Alberic's desperation to

rimary prey, Jock overcome by vengeance towa

could possibly favor him agai

stisement dealt to them all indifferently... for once, fate a

present without discrimination, t

er vulnerable with few powerful backers as yet. This amounted

erves Master And

belongs to

ining the enmity between them. Competition over the same

ee spears of hissing venom sent by Alberic - t

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