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Exiles of the Netherworld

Chapter 9 Bribery

Word Count: 1130    |    Released on: 05/02/2024

wadays do live

over umbral forces - if rumors prove true, only the arch-

the Sentinels, within Dark Street's festering bowels

ifested such mental strength. Thus the mysterious

ngst their disciples and servants without intervening, seemingly content spectat

d with common assumptions regarding the

peraments of those reshaped by dark mysticism - wi

ual ennui haunting days filled only with repetitive experiments or administrative task

ummary executions

y terror maintains ties with that dusty crone afte

drawn by disturbances growing out of hand. The impromptu fracas

entinel reinforcements and senio

The cowled magus fumed, cloak bill

ood mutely amidst the tirade - yet its true object wa

re suffered harm, while material damages likely surpass a hundred

bodied the attempt at order amidst swirling chaos. For a proper academy demanded at least superficial adh

raspy tones - "Vice Headmaster Daradon, are mere bottom-feeders worth such fuss? The foo

n from my vaults directly. A reasonable resolution reac

indifferent to the deaths of na

tability falls unto my shoulders as Acting Headmaster..." retorted the mage, before trailing off abruptly - atte

ent pulsations stirred the surroundi

Sourcestone shifte

corpse likely matched some lesser beast's crystal

fied primordial power from Creation's dawn. Worth and mig

alanced the magical heart of corresponding en

Second Grade in proficiency. Within advanced realms of magic, even single-tier differences often ref

this formidable archmage utterly, banishi

iving freely under the sunlight, he might not

scarce deposits of worthwhile gems for long epochs. Even a piece of Le

manded deep pockets - unless one dominated realms like alchemy or pharmacology, m

a piece of Level One Sourcestone


few storefronts that were slightly burned, and it wouldn

pletely silent after the old witch to

ndifference to human l

ervation of Lina was non

tice of this district to death, Lina, who was bound by the Wind Elem

ld witch was actuall

t her teacher was killed in an experiment accident. And Lil

of Lilina's deceased mentor, no wonder she was willing

l 1 Sourcestone to save Lilina, it did not mean that she was willing

stern and upright, but if you wanted t

nning darkly, "What now, is this

ally don't know how you managed to advance to senior apprentice!" The old witch

n, Albert could

the fifth disciple of Master Moxidor

and the old witch couldn't help but look at

student?" The old witch squeezed

nd the source of the sound was one of the owls

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