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Exiles of the Netherworld

Chapter 8 Ruthless

Word Count: 1178    |    Released on: 05/02/2024

ee spears of hissing venom sent by Alberic - t

ly replenish the stave's power reserves without external boosting. Su

raved spell matrices and elemental cores enabled this formidable w

most senior mages’ armaments! Acid potent enough to melt an e

for most onlookers to grasp even

n, no human physiology could approach an e

rt - direct impact ensuring complete bodily dissolution

king his brawny frame clear of certain demise, rewarded by only

alley left no doubts about the grave threat barely

me spectacle of Jock's dominant arm m

ner flame now dissolved alongside

peedy resolution. Against alchemical acid disintegrating basilisk hide and lesser s

iting his brawny sword-arm slackening into mush before very eyes! Only his follow

emained stunned by the abrupt sorcerous spectac

lasts drowning all else in acrid fumes and agonized wails. Unremarkable a

h her obsidian chains - their stygian links now channeled a two-meter b

eption of most juniors - raw mystical might further separating ea

swathes akin to artillery barrages! Nothing restrained this witch’s wrathful overkill - ev

rentices among their besiegers - their despairing howls

dured by previously falling back after depleting her stre

emselves suffered some reprisal betw

eroding awareness. And the two burned males targeted

e attacks struck from the fallen enemies' last effo

round him, though that lone shard still gashed his shielding arm. Meanwhi

l lodged within her side. Mutually assured destruction c

rticipants slowed their coordination, resulting i

, the magical melee conclud

ull disaster's magnitude - for magic and el

lready. Fractured streets smoldered amidst

ource, Alberic still commanded strength for

surpassed the other apprentices’ fireballs from earlier e

or assuredly, measurable progress occurred since facing the crocodilian horror

arding Alberic's lethal intent - to perma

capacitating ambush yesterday likely traced back to

ences of public murder stirred no hindering qualms in Alberic now, domina

Jock’s ghastly countenance. Cradling the oozing stump that was once his

ve that melted his flesh, then fearfully fixed them

y quavering pleas. "Y-You can't kill me! B

ut short by three furi

ly a meter wide wingspans propelling their rapid descent. Su

isively before they interfered. A split second from hurling condens

ubles for Alberic. Better to purge the threat

the smitten Jock's skull when twin t

wrath. No common ground existed between her

single remaining foe, the raging sorceress prepared a final onslaught -

y overruling further violence through arcane shackles. Repr

his own hands, Alberic's fireball blasted bl

lls. The ominous trio of Sentinels now exuded palpable fury, seemingly poised

ric with a tilted head - the very raptor

ed those unfamiliar with their identities. But academy guar

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