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Exiles of the Netherworld

Chapter 10 The mentor's praise

Word Count: 1227    |    Released on: 05/02/2024

ungeon was only half a day, when Albert saw the dim yellow

place. Very few apprentices

cians have also been tried here, as for whether it

bert limped and leaned on Len

witch who also disappeared afterwards, just before leaving the dung

seems like we also have to postpone our plan to

er than Albert's, facing Albert's wry smile, Len

that Lina finally spoke to Albert and said, 'My master's name is Ferena. She expressed her

ttention to me. However, it wasn't until I was promoted to senior apprentic

h of studying dark elemental magic, Master Ferena

bert lift his long-held he

each other, as they share the same bed and fight side by side, having experienced lif

de Albert's face brea

ho was willing to accept Lena as his discipl

n, which furthered their rela

proactive one. It's unexpected that Lena

the dormitory building canno

must obediently rush to Maste

ly had an abdominal injury and s

ert's injuries were

Master Moses' laboratory, his left

tory again, Albert didn't hav

ich has made Albert worry more than once. He wonders if Master Mo

rs. Given Albert's current state, it is obvious that h

stiff scalp. Master Moses is his bigg

Lena is only attached to her ne

le, Lena may still be

ician, only the great master Moses in

expression on Vice Dean Dada Long's face

g, and his authority is not as high as that of the Vice Dean level, but

from the dungeon, entirely due

bert, who followed the master into the laboratory, r

rface Jock and others on the next day in the dark street, to being imprisoned

o every detail and neve

on of the great master Moses, and he

h are also advanced magical equipment personally

ion, Master Moses suddenly burst i

much stronger than your tw

you, young man, not only killed those of your own

d by Albert, Master Moses not only did no

t of the dark wizard cannot

although he is the fifth disciple of Master Moses, in fact, th

nior brothers, they hav

ster Moses Du, only these

experiment with me now, you should study the two mag

uld be changed. This is the initial

skin scrolls filled with notes and a small

y titled: 'Introduction to Alchemy' and

y. However, it is different from the rigid and rigid classroom knowledge. On these two parchme

volumes of parchment, which will help Albe

a palm, it is a small gadget made by Master M

shook his head and walked towards a certain room deep in

a side room in the laboratory, where he would embark on

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