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Torn Loyalties

Torn Loyalties

Author: Chidazzle

Chapter 1 Mia's World

Word Count: 508    |    Released on: 07/02/2024

uring a rare moment of tranquilly amidst the bustle of her hectic life, she takes a sip of her wine and lets the delicious flavours dance on her palate. The room is fil

ry of silence and reflection tonight. She's at a crossroads tonight, drawn as

. It's from Sarah, her closest friend, asking her to spend a night out. Mia is hesitant because sh

ing her friend's invitation. She is ready for a chan


tly lit lounge of a hip downtown pub, catching up on each other's live

her mischievous eyes sparkling. "Wha

right to the point, Mia smiles. "Oh, you know, the usual," she says

brow. "Come on, Mia, there's got to be more

lately, with her days merging into a fog of deadlines and responsibilities. However, there's a restlessnes

bar's door. Her tone is amused as she exclaims, "Well, well, well, would you

ificant turning point in her life. Amidst the crowd of partygoers, he stands alone at t

ends a shockwave through her veins, a comprehension of so

e of the room, she realises that her l

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