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Torn Loyalties

Chapter 2 Enthralled

Word Count: 681    |    Released on: 07/02/2024

p from her seat as Mia observes from her corner booth. She strolls over to the

er head, makes Mia's heart race with eagerness. She can't help but wonder wha

lending in with the background noise of the packed room. Mia strains to hear what

nute that goes by. Minutes seem like hours. Sarah eventually

r mischievous eyes flashing. "It seems our

ia leans in. "What did h

e occasion. "His name is Alexander," she utters in a low, secretive whispe

's heart to race, a wave of excitement

"Who knows, Mia? Maybe he sees something i

itement running through her veins as

lexander, the mystery man, approaches. He walks with assurance in their direction, hi

from across the room, I couldn't help but notice your compelling p

sound of his voice. She looks at Sarah, who gives her a sidelong gla

extends her hand and says, "Hello, I'

ing at Mia's face. He says, "A pleasure to meet you both," with a

her breath seizing in her throat. She nods in agreement, her gaze fix

dible "Sure, that would

ing is going to change after their encount

ble carrying their drinks. The world appears to disappear as they converse, speaking

world, time appears to stop and their bond is all that matters. Talking about everything and nothing at

nd laugh together. It seems like she has at last met someone who genuinel

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