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Torn Loyalties

Chapter 3 The Dawn of a New Era

Word Count: 472    |    Released on: 07/02/2024

nnection they share, disregarding Sarah who is seated across from them. Mia only suddenly snaps back to

to shift from Alexander's face to her friend's. "I apol

ugging off her apology, "It's okay, Mia." It appears that you t

she had ignored her friend while becoming engrossed in her own world. She turns to face Alex

says, "No need to apologise, Mia." "Every minute we've spent together has been enjoyable. But maybe fro

d understanding. As they refocus their attention on Sarah, Mia realises that their frien

the night goes on and the hour becomes later. She turns to Alexander,

k tomorrow," a disappointed-sounding Mia

and gently squeezing her hand, he adds, "I understand, Mia."Th

of comfort knowing that they would soon cross paths again. She gives him a s

sy city streets. Mia is filled with excitement for the future as they get into the taxi and realise that Alexander will be there to support her n

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