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Torn Loyalties

Chapter 5 A Magical Night

Word Count: 856    |    Released on: 07/02/2024

gentle golden light, as the limousine finally stops outside. With a flourish, a valet unlocks he

dining area designated for her and Alexander. The cosy area is illumin

arrive, her heart racing in her chest. And Mia's breath catches in her throat

"Hello, Mia," in a gentle and warm voice

floods her cheeks. "I appreciate it," she mum

pulse thumping with excitement for the evening to come. Alexander looks at her across from

other. As they enjoy the delicious dinner that is placed before them, they conve

oft, quiet voice. "Tell me, what'

ation about her passion for creativity and technology. Her energy

d what about you, Alexander?" "Wha

his smile becomes softer. His voice becomes gruffer, "For me, Mia, it's all about

tinue to lose themselves in each other's presence. And when they have a delicious dessert and a glass of good wine, Mia c

a constant source of both solace and tension in her life. She wonders if they would view Alexander favo

comes to an end and they say goodbye to the restaur

unlocks the door. Mia turns to face him, giving him thanks for

cked. As though they couldn't resist, they leaned in closer. Their hearts raced and their breathing accelerated. Something electric seemed to be electrif

oft kiss, with neither of them

us at first, not wanting to rush or exert too much pressure on one another. However, as their comfort level increased, they started to let down their guard. Their bodies pre

ves engulfed in an

ut of breath. After exchanging brief glances, they burst out laughing, the tension releasing in a wave of unadulterate

e had vanished. "Alexander did nothing but act like a model gentleman. That i

inking about their

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