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Moon Bound Hearts

Chapter 6 Revelations Beneath The Rain

Word Count: 1477    |    Released on: 17/03/2024

as she released them. With a sense of anticipation, she stepped inside the shower, her fingers deftly turning the fauce

ckly spread, cocooning her body in a comforting embrace. A sigh of contentment escaped her lips as the

pressure massaging her scalp and soothing her senses. Closing her eyes, she let her

her palms. She began to massage the soap into her skin, her fingers tracing the contours of her body with a newfound tenderness.

o this point, the unexpected encounter with Oliver, the grandeur of his home, and the growing connection betwe

nd a shirt. The attire fit her perfectly, an observation she couldn’t help but note. Emergi

s fit?” he inquired, h

you know my size?” She quirked an eyeb

ponded, a mischievous sm

ed hand they walk downst

he bottom step, their eyes fell upon an unexpected scene. A trio of boys perched on the living room sofa, entangled i

tured curiosity. Oliver had told them to take the whole pack for a run so that he could get some alone time with his mate. And he also told them to hide in their rooms and

y from us,” his wolf Roy chimed in disrupting his thoughts. He d

arily diverted from the remote,

she leaned slightly towards Oliver. He introduced them

His gaze playfully shifted from one boy to the next, a subtle challenge in his glance. “Are you going to

s mirth. Michael, on the other hand, exuded an aura of quiet confidence. His sandy blond hair was neatly tousled, and his azure eyes held a thoughtful depth.

uxtaposition that intrigued Elena. His chocolate-brown eyes met hers, warm and inviting, as he extende

the distinct qualities that Oliver cherished in his friends. She felt a sense of accept

I’ll introduce her when they come back home,” he explained, a note of concern underlying his words. With a shared underst

ttempt to protest but found his hold unyielding. Resigned, she nestled into his strong

unctional legs, you

rrying her toward the garden, he gently placed her on a chair be

wn back to him. He sat on a reclining bed, facing he

she q

m sure you’d like to know more about me to

never played befo

he raised


tions began, revealing snippets of their personalities and preferences. With

ir game. Looking up, she noticed the sky

rain came p

. They were drenched by the time they reached the shelter. Oliver’s

shower,” he suggested,

she managed to ask thr

in one of the gues

appeared into his closet. Emerging moments late

athroom; a maid will collect them for cleanin

rm water wash away the chill. After a quick shower, she emerg

ee atmosphere enveloping them. She settled down beside Oliver, but he pulled her onto h

rm she felt around her. A noticeable tension simmered betwe

ed, attempting to di

ptions on Netflix. A title caught her eye, and a shar

in unison with Nick. A feeling of

have a winner,”

embrace and onto his lap. His possessive tone was hard t

tension gave way to laugh

iver’s friends bid their farewe

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