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Moon Bound Hearts

Chapter 7 Igniting Desires: Embrace of the Flames

Word Count: 1092    |    Released on: 17/03/2024

nited in Elena’s mind. The subtle shift in the atmosphere didn’t go unnoticed by her, and a spontaneous notion began to take shape. Her g

in her eyes held a playful promise as she regarded Oliver. A hint of anticipation hung in the air, leaving her heart poun

lance that held a promise, she met his eyes, and a spark seemed to pass between them. Oliver arched an

evous smile evolved into a confident one as she stood before Oliver, her every move deliberate. In a he

istering the electrifying sensation coursing through him. But as swiftly as surprise had taken hold, instinct and longing swept over him

xicating mingling of their breaths, all-consuming. Any thoughts that had previously occupied Oliver’s mind now dissolved, replaced only by the fi

en them. The dancing flames in the fireplace seemed to mirror the flames of their passion, casting ever-shi

reathing heavily, their chests rising and falling in unison. Their eyes remained locked, a

sonant, cut through the charged atmosphere. “You’re playing with fire, Elena,” he warned, his words carrying a mixture of caution and lo

ered on his, a tantalizing remin

in her chest. His warm breath mingled with hers as she whispered in a voice so low, it was almost a mere breath of sound. “But what if I wa

ith implication. Oliver’s senses were heightened, his

ng beneath the surface. It was as if her words had struck a chord deep within h

them in their cocoon of desire and need. The crackling of the fireplace was the only sou

of desire and caution warring in his eyes. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he attempted to suppress the inten

int. His eyes searched hers, seeking reassurance even amidst the storm of desire

y that brooked no doubt. “Yes,” she breathed, her voice a soft af

stood upon, their choices poised to alter the course of their relationship in ways they couldn’t fully comprehend. And th

d abandon, he captured her lips in a kiss that was equal parts passion and urgency. The world around them dissolved in

Oliver’s movements were fueled by a hunger that could no longer be contained, a longing that had been set f

d her in his arms, their kiss unbrok

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