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Moon Bound Hearts

Chapter 9 Shadowed Departure

Word Count: 1372    |    Released on: 17/03/2024

he found utterly endearing. In the soft glow of the room, she began the delicate task of untangling Oliver’s arm from around her, a task made tricky as he shift

leasant soreness she felt. With her purse retrieved from the nightstand, she extracted a pair of painkiller pills, and two emergency contraceptive pills, sin

ght the time into view, a reminder of the world’s unwavering march. Amid her tranquil enjoyment with Oliver, a sudden jolt of memory s

of getting dressed. Following this, she efficiently gathered her belongings and stowed th

eling of being observed. However, she brushed aside the notion, attributing it to

lena, akin to leaving a fragment of herself behind. Swiftly, she cast off the emotion

re with the driver, she trod softly to her apartment’s entrance, mindful not to disrupt her friend who was nestled in slumb

pted her to realize the absence of sufficient time for breakfast. To address this, she promptly placed an order for breakfast through her mobile device, stra

y a delivery person holding a package. Expressing her gratitude, she accepted the package and exchanged a polite thank you with the delivery individual. Afterwards, she retrieved

, her focus drifted back to Oliver and the time they had shared together. Inevitably, her mind was flooded with questions – had Oliver enjoyed their

on to someone else. Amidst these thoughts, a pang of jealousy arose, but she swiftly suppressed it. Opting for distraction, Elena inserted her earp

grip. Determined to push through, she allowed the music to envelop her. However, her efforts proved to be in vain, as her mind continued

the curtains open? Memories of the previous night flooded his mind, filling him with a mix of satisfaction and contentment. It had been an unforgett

to find her presence. However, his groping hands encountered nothing but empty space. Frowning, he

e and downstairs,” Roy, his

wiftly rising from the bed, he surveyed the room, realizing her clothes wer

t way she would have stayed with us,” Roy’s growl r

wolf. She couldn’t have left, could she? She wouldn'

py head, allowing Oliver to push past him and enter the room. To his dismay, there lay a woman in Nick’s bed, likely a r

JUST STAND THERE,” Oliver growled fiercel

n Nick’s bed. Her makeup was smeared from the prev

ged to utter in


up, curiosity in his tone. “How

e retorted, “Because you would ha

wrong side of the bed t

mood to joke?” Oliver’s v

logized quickly, bowing

ee inquired as he e

liver stated, his to

ing? Mates don’t just disappe

Oliver confirmed,

two of them headed towards the monitoring room. Oliver had plac

the screen. Elena stepped outside, her belong

efeat, the reality setting i

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