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Moon Bound Hearts

Moon Bound Hearts

Author: Alphamini

Chapter 1 Going to the Club with a friend

Word Count: 975    |    Released on: 17/03/2024

na, you promised we’d hit the club and party all night. You’ve only got a few days left here before heading back to Ca

ear,” Elena protested weakly, her

king Elena away to her room. Clothes flew out of the closet as Stella rummaged through, determined to find the

ie, red killer heels that threatened her stability, and a pair of sparkling diamond earrings. Elena’s protes

ming to make the most of tonight, that dress is your best bet. Otherwise

n in the mirror, she couldn’t help but admire her appearance in the striking dress.Ste

med Elena’s thoughts. “You loo

ying for your attention,” Stell

ke up, her eyes sweeping

earance. “And you’re not looking too shabby yourself

ella grinned. “

their way to the car, embarking on their journey to the c

nt display of contemporary artistry and pulsating vitality. Neon lights adorned the building’s surface, casting an enchanting radiance that painted the surrounding sidewalk with a mesmerizing palette of elect

ce floor’s vibrant energy and the captivating ambience that awaited them. The distant yet persistent thump of the music reverb

estion her decision. She let out an internal groa

This is one of the top clubs in America. Besides, there are rumours that the hot

if we attract the wrong kind of attention? W

. “Sometimes, a little trouble b

he chilly night air making it in

ersport glided past them, heading toward the VIP section. Though she

Stella inquired, snappin

refocus. “Nothing, just that car

to their bones. Just as Elena was about to speak again, two imposing figures in well-fitted suits approached them – bounce

feet, the second towered at 6 feet 2 inches, while the third measured a still-imposing 5 feet 9

a inquired hesitantly, “Ca

ed, their tall figures casting a protective shadow over the girls. The man who had guided them wasn’t just a bouncer; he held an air of aut

in rhythm. The dance floor was a sea of movement, people were lost in the music. Elena felt a surge of discomfort; this wa

sphere, Elena couldn’t shake the feeling that so

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