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Chapter 2 FIRST LOVE

Word Count: 1332    |    Released on: 28/03/2024

would pay his expenses. I wondered how he was going to do it. Benny was a hard-working fish seller in North London and he told me he had saved some money which he planned to use to come over to New York to see me. I wonder if it was pride or ego that was at work. Why did he want to waste his savings when I could conveniently pay? I offered to pay but anyway, I had stopped worrying about it so imagine my shock when he called me that morning telling me that he was in Ne

on his chest. how did you get here and why didn't you tell me you were coming? I enquired. He answered me with a kiss on the forehead and swept me up in his arms. I felt my heart beat as he smelled my perfume and planted another kiss on my neck and that was the las

he world at my feet could still be a virgin at the age of twenty-four. I laughed as he planted another kiss on my head I was i

ated. He had all the business acumen of a billionaire. You will fit well into my family I thought. We had sex some more and then I slept off in his arms I woke up at quarter to 7:00 pm and I quickly put on my clothes telling him that I was going to see him the next day. I imagined th

was there a burglary? on sighting me, Harry my assistant quickly left the policemen and ran towards me. he hugged me and I pushed him away wondering what was happening he told me that everyone had been looking for me and that they had tried to call me several times but I was not reachable I remembered my phone and pager I had switched them off when I went to see Benny. I mumbled an apology and asked him what the problem was. was it me everyone was looking for? he looked at me with sad eyes and said you've not heard? I said no so he held me and shepherded me past the watching crowd of neighbors and everyone else. I got inside the house where my father was seated on his favorite c

stigating. My world was shattered my mom was my best friend she understood me in a way nobody could. I had spoken to her about Benny in confidence and she was skeptical we all knew that my father was not going to accept him because of his background but she encouraged me according to her love conquers all. I was discharged that night because the do

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