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Chapter 1 COLD SWEAT

Word Count: 1283    |    Released on: 28/03/2024



ch time the feeling of despondency was the same and even though the air conditioner was on full b

rgundy as I was instructed. The face of the woman came back to me; wrinkled with chopped hair as if a rat had been her hairdresser. She was unclad except for a piece of loincloth around her waist. Her sagging breasts revealed years of aggressive assault by men. As she walked towards me she smiled. It was repulsive that her two front teeth were the only remnants while her tongue was pitch black and her eyes glistening

beep on my phone distracted me momentarily. It was a message from my nine-year-old daughter Anita who was just checking up on me. What a lovely girl I thought. She must have inhe

melted my Resistance. At this point, my bravado disappeared and I cried for about an hour. Looking into the bathroom mirror, apart from my red eyes there was beauty everywhere. Men stared at me wherever I went. I once caught my office assistant trying to prevent his penis from bursting his pants on one of the few occasions he was close to me. So close he could smell my Arabian per

face was palpable and easily seen when I told him I wanted to travel to the United Kingdom to North London specifically to see my beloved football club the Red Gunners play their North London rivals the Spursy Spurs and that I wanted to go alone without any bodyguard or chauffeur. I wanted to go as a commoner. I just wanted to have some time to myself. His fear was reasonable; he was a very rich man, the third largest billionaire in th

s with his knife. In an instant, my clothes were off my body and I was just in my underwear. He fondled my breasts and was in the process of removing my underwear to gain access to my vagina when from out of nowhere a voice shouted stop. The three men confronted the intruder but he was so strong and defeated them all. They ran with their tails firmly tucked between their legs. I was ashamed and embarrassed but with his soothing voice, he calmed me down, gave me his t-shirt to wear, and took me to his shop nearby where I could wash up. For a man so strong Benny was gentle and very kind. We exchanged our contacts but there was something about him that gave me restless days and sleepless nights. I didn

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