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Word Count: 1184    |    Released on: 28/03/2024



me to be nice and give the young man a chance he said. Now here I was seated waiting for him I was bristling with anger. what impudence? who does he think he is to keep me waiting? I thought about Benny and what he was doing at the moment I was checking and re-checking my phone to see if he had sent me any messages. Our relationship was blossoming although I had not told him what my father had said. I was deep in thought when the smell of Jasmine's perfume filled the air. I looked up and standing before me was a very handsome young man different from what I had seen in the pictures but the eyes were unmistakably the same; blue eyes with an enchanting smile. The type

have to admit that the food was good and the Prince was really good company. I mean he was very charming we talked about a lot of things from my mother's death and also his activities in New York. He had lost his mother too at the age of 20 so he knew what exactly I was going through he said a lot of things that put me at ease and I was beginning to like him so I asked him about his relationship with My Father and how he got to arrange the dinner. He told me that was my father's idea and he was skeptical at first but when he saw my picture dec

what was being portrayed in the media over here. Two hours had passed and it was time for me to go home we exchanged contacts and promised to keep in touch I mean he sounded like a good friend somebody with a listening ear and I n

gh the doctor walked in and asked to speak to me alone so my dad and the prince excused us. What's the matter, doctor I asked and he said to me when did you last see your monthly flow? Is there a problem doctor? I said. your test shows that you are 5 weeks pregnant. He kept on talking but I wasn't listening anymore my mind flashed back to that encounter with Benny at the hotel that was the only time I'd ever been with a man

not believe what I said at the hospital and he wanted an explanation I was not looking fo

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