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Word Count: 1137    |    Released on: 28/03/2024



why he did not send the maid or any of the servants. I already knew there was trouble and I had prepared myself for it so with increasing confidence and t? embling nerves I got out of bed and went to his study. As usual,l he

witching a clear sign of his growing anger I e

not for that

gh to calm the

ice guy if only you would get to

re visible now and without any hint of emotion or anger he said calmly you are getting an abortion. His words struck me like a thunderbolt because it was an option I had not considered and ne

is coming in

ter filled with mockery and he said to me you'll never marry that gold digger. it was too much for me to bear. My bravado and confi

ad a knock on the door. Sweetheart, he called to me can I come i

hat he was living for. He said I meant all the world to him and he would do anything to make me happy then I said to him why not give Benny a chance? at least get to meet him and know what he's like he said to me I don't need to m

old him that Benny and I are more than capable of taking care of ourselves and a few generations to come so we came to a compromise. If he agreed to meet with Benny and gave him

are of and insisted that I not leave the house. I should stay in bed to r

tor didn't say anything about twins then he looked at me and laughed. He said "That's what I've been trying t

if he was alright and he said to me that he have been uneasy since the previous day but he was yet to find out the

news for him and that he was considering it then he spoke he asked what we were going to do? I became angry. all the emotions from the talk with my dad and everything that had happened suddenly overwhelmed me and I began to speak very st

e was nothing to worry about. Daddy that agreed to meet with you I said but he wants to meet with you this weekend and I have arranged the journey and I'll

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