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Author: SA Gleam

Chapter 1 Hid from the abuser

Word Count: 1790    |    Released on: 01/04/2024

begging him to stop. His countenance turned vicious again, his eyes filled with fury a

I glanced at him, hoping his rage would subside. But all I could see was his fury until he took off his

uring and gorgeous woman! Eating will make you fat and ugly!" He hollered with his eyes burning with anger. He shoved me to the counter table made of whit

ght!" My hand shivered in fear as I stated those words. He grabbed my hair roughly and pushed my face i

o be tactless but to serve me and do whatever I ask you! Now, cle

me. "W-What did you say

d intention lies within. "More than five wealthy investors will joi

are you

llars. In return, you have to

ous? I'm your wife! Yo

what really brought me into this toxic relationship. "We are married for the sake of your father's busin

relationship, but not this time, Blaine. You can hit, abuse, or leave me out her

, propelling him to slap me violently across the

ing me until I bum


out for mercy again. And before I could defend myself, he threw a glass bottle over the floor on my nearest side, sha

ut your beautiful face if you ever t

erfect in all aspects, which is impossible. This is why even my eating routine had been controlled by him. No matter how hard he beat me, I could do nothing to protect myself or prevent him from abusing me. I

ogee of my sufferin

e beside me and stabbed it to his a

whimper in pain.

the satisfaction only lasted a couple of seconds w

e to go since I'm unfamiliar with this place. We are in the Los Monterio Subdivision and moved here l

a chance to voice out my verdict, I knew they would never hear my words, not even my sentiments. And that's how my life began, to be stuc

y name. It's Blaine. I could feel the anger for every shout he

ing and bearing another grave punishment or running until m

s made entirely of stone; its exterior is embellished with gold and crystal chandel

d bushes; I hid underneath the large branch and took a deep breath, my breathing still heavy from

when I suddenly bumped into someone's chest. When I looked up and realized it was a man, I froze. The man standing before me had platinum blonde hair with gray root

d, surveying my entire appearance

, hoping he would hear my entreaty. "I'm gonna repay you after this. Just p

until he took my hand and immediately dragged me into the left corner. We

or helping m

e as he put his finger against my lips to muff

the first time in my life, someone has the c

en with audio, enough to watch and hear what was ensuing in every corner of this house. My concentra

Maybe she passes by here." Blaine wore controllable fury;

arm. "Let me clarify two things. First, entering a place without the

this house!" Blaine's

anger in my house?" Th

ng to say tha


when Blaine ambled closer to the man with a smug look

e tossed him an evil stare, but the man didn't flinch at his words. And I swear he's the most colle

house." The man's voice turned stern, and his aura beca

. Don't dare to stop me if you're telling the trut

e. The man effortlessly took off a gun from his side and pointed it at Blaine's back head. "One more move, and I'll implant a bullet directly into your head." He walked

in disbelief. That sufficed my

while the words he articulat

nother cruel man who will abuse me unceasingly after owing

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