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Chapter 2 Take me with you

Word Count: 1597    |    Released on: 01/04/2024

the door burst open, revealing th

ho are you? Why did you break into my house?

I strode toward him nervously with my heavy breath. "Shhh. Don't shout, please...

his arms over his chest and continued to watch me carefully as if reading my int

." I swallowed hard. "I promise I'll be gone later. I just... I just need

I couldn't decipher the emotion behind that dar

quietly under his breath

if he took advantage of me after this? What if he caged me here just like my husband does every day

he grabbed my left arm and dragged me int

good to go now. Sorry for tres

covered my wound with sterile gauze before gently wiping off the dried blood scattered

as comforting. I don't know if I'm too exaggerated to have that positive impression, or perhaps I'm just

, trying to compose m

He continued cleaning t

usband," I proudly stated, glanc

ally more sa

hy-high curiosity from me. He didn't even

ed to flee. The truth is... I don't know how to live without bei

t just an ordinary man. But I can tell he has a good heart

ve I felt this secure. Never in my life, I've met someone like him who's willing to be bothered just to give me some aid. It's funny how this cruel fate brought Blaine into my life so

e that, woman." His man

, trying to unleash the embarrassment I felt on my cheek when I realize

ooked down to meet my gaze. "Don't mov

it," I responded, tos

, revealing his sculpted torso. It was broad and firm, with a tattoo of a black dragon coiled around his upper left and right arm as if it was

y turned my head when he

ok at him. He's putting on his clothes with a new set of formal attire.

shot through

tated coldly as he fixed him

And that is the best thing I've ever done."

of work tonight, and you won't be able to see me tomorrow. Plus, I'

ide, and I'm certain my husband is searching for me now in the best way he could. I'm not sure if I

lse to go. Just... just let me stay here tonight. I promise to repay you at our next meeting. I-I'll do whatever

s hands inside his p

in front of his closet, trying to convince him

fe if you want. But you can'

else. Just take me with you; it'

ng, woman." He hurled me a stern

ored me. He turned around and pinned me against the wall, his face inches from mine. I tried not to flinch at the feel of his hot breath agains

g. I waited for his explication, but all that came out was his manly, addictive

r, and a bullet passed through the glass window, hitting a flower pot on th

's that?" I excl

and peeked outside.

what is h

piece of the hood, and quickly handed

going? And where's that soun

rank backward, unnerved by that gaze. But that expression quickly altered into a soft

ot in

e he pulled me closer. His right hand caught my bac

ttered everywhere. When I was still in shock from what happened, he stared at me intensely with a slight smi

stating his name, and I found myself want

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