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Chapter 5 His greatest foe

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 02/04/2024


at woman is unbelievable. The fact she entrusted her life to me is the most unfo

wever, judging the scenario earlier proved her life in the hands of her husband was in dire straits. Unfortunately, I knew our encounter would soon end because my life was not a gam

grave job, and t

gure to me when I lost everything and trained me to survive, especially in those days when demise was inevitable. He gave me a purpose when I was nothing but rubbish in the eyes of many, but now he's g

blood seeped into his white shirt, and he had a huge gash on his right cheekbone while his hands

pons. I took the knife from a steel alloy and wiped it with the white towel hanging off the table's edge. It glowed under my touch as if ready to penetr

ou stopped

and met Fredrin's cold stare.

ven after all these years." H

sipping my drink. "Unlike you. Well, I have to commend your mind for creating su

my words were humorous

th his grin slowly stretching. "Or perhaps the truth is I'

"It's not hard to decipher. You just made a rubbish scheme that's not worth the effort." I took a

and a trickle of blood coming out of his mouth and nostrils, he looked up and glared at me furiously w

yourself, Fredrin. How could you fucking kill the man who raised you? You let them manipulate you for

llet straight into his right and left arm. Another blood-curdling scream fled his mout

over his features with the blood o

" I pulled another trigger, and another hole emerged on his shoulder. The second shot landed perfectly on

trace of mercy until nothing remained but a carcass. I don't want to slay him now nor end his torment. I wanted him to

-soaked everywhere and pooling beneath his lifeless form. It was unbelievable at first, but Fredrin was the one who killed him. And this is why he deserved to be tortured. H

a man's figure emerged behind m

Adeleine i

y before my feet took hold o

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