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Chapter 4 His dominance

Word Count: 1042    |    Released on: 02/04/2024

out of concrete and brick as if it were left after decades of destruction. I scrutinized it with curiosity. The

building on the left side that didn't match the other door on the right, which was slightly ajar, reveal

ney would be

his throat. "Watch your step when we enter the bu

led one of my brows. "Why? An

never leaving mine. "You initiated coming with me. Now,

er, though my question still lingered in my mind

neath, the more I felt dread. It only lasted for a transient moment because the light of a bulb flicked on, exposing the interior. The view completely stupefied me. There are six men

ildered. He didn't say a word. Instead, he m

t me with the utmost contempt, like an ant under

e, you brought an

as if he knew me well. "But she lo

an with brown hair artic

o me, I have to admit they were stupid f

who accused me of being a "floozy." Not once did he falter

yelled, holding

steady in his hand, eyes flaming in fury this time. "One more insul

idding, Sir

es no matter either way." He ambled

it," He desperately begged, trying to s

ng this." His eyes seethed even more as if he would kill him at

even a powerful being but someone who could make others bow down and give him what he desire

ntradiction to his statement. They staye

ly my intention to make fun of her," Ut

in its intensity. None of his men dared to speak. They knew what wou

won't do it again." He glanced at Courtney with so much sincerity, then at me. "I'l

ne." As much as possible, I don't want

I felt relieved after that; at least no one ended up lifeless beca

r, finalize your task be

id in unison, then bowed

sed of any developmen

ssion, except for Oliver, who was now standing bef

room and give her everything

owed his head, and tha

t is frankly hard to trust them. It may sound s

k but with a hint of care. "You've been fidgeting for about twenty minutes. Now, I need

bizarre sensation despite its cold tone, very genuin

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