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And Yes, I Can Live Without You

Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 1114    |    Released on: 03/04/2024

few minutes past eleven and occupie

ancing blue eyes, a graceful nose and a small mouth. There was an air of

eel grey suit and swaggered towards the lobby. Aware the receptionist was watching him, he passed a friendly smile to her and moved on to the e

nodded in greeting to a security guard who opened a door that had led to a l

alled out with

oked up at him a

thirty something year old lady who worked a regular nine to five job, spent her weeke

sir. Hope you h

e smirked. "But I hope our Thursday arrangement still ho

to say something the

ver with lustful eyes again and blew

ger, the middle one in fact, he pushed open the door tha

office table almost filled up with doc

is lush black hair shone u

delicate skin with his facial features perfectly formed and proportioned. There was an indi

sense. He was the boss.

ed the do

nddaughter actually is! Words will fail me if

about to be blown away and placing a paperweight above it. "I have a

ed to the couch with

t her, I mean, I've never had

drew replied as he quickly

e this angel, the curves, the angles, everyth


know what happened," Andrew scanned through a paper with sleepy eyes

hasty in deciding that. But I'

lf if my old man finds out about it.

s her. She isn't hot topic for the media. Anyway

Elections are coming up, he's gathering as ma

for years. Your old man's smart and he does hold a lot of water in this city. But he sure knows that tabl

wined his fingers together. "He had a choice to stay away, but he dabbled into the mess a

much because it doesn't change noth

onversation was over. He sig

to the ref

o? To the pa

intment book. "I have a meeting wit

's t

nd there's also a university not many miles from there. It's a good deal," Andrew raised his hand to begin on

one corner of the office. "You should take a break, spend some time in the hills or something, get someone to ease

gain and massag

against the light an

clear your goddamn

not in the m

said 'don't you see there are so many papers here, you moron!' but Stan pretended to not no

rled in the transparent glass, smok

ed. His head t

glass," he sig

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