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And Yes, I Can Live Without You

Chapter 3 THREE

Word Count: 1133    |    Released on: 03/04/2024

omised him more pay to perform secretive but less deadly jobs like checking up people's background, stalking political office

h a large working staff as soon as he landed in Concord town. His as

h, not even to his eyes. He moved over to the VIP lounge where a waitress quickly spotted him, smile

y, isn't it? What can

menu for a second

ood beer as

nodded and sa

oked like college girls running part time jobs. He dropped a

ed the driver to take him to Grill Island, yet an

ed shirt with the restaurant name monogrammed at the upper left area over a blue skirt that stopped just above the knee. Some o

at a corner that gave him a

to get lunch. A waitress finished with the tab

sir, what would y

smiled at her while he looked he

e right

d to stare at t

, sir?" a voice ask

twenties or early thirties, he could tell. She smiled in suc

e took the can fro

e caught a glimpse of her dimple. "We work together here and pas

to the right place, and h

e eyes and angelic visage

word with you

ed. "This is a ver

ng, it seems too formal


him as just another male

to clock out," he offered a

It surely can not be that impor

erve another customer and he could not but stare at her boda

uld w

ike. She wasn't coquettish, but she was friendly. Modest and well trained, he could tell. Matured, responsible, organi

ost empty now and a new batch of girls began

other secluded areas in a restaurant. Moments later, she appeared wearing a flower print dress and a mau

e didn't seem like one of the irresponsible men who always called out to her lustfully. His suit

iss this wonderful op

blazer. "Alright

told me you

a. Lana

Miss Reeves, a similar but

ed a brow

about the Sincla

t on the entertainment news. Why?" Eithan

description is to cook and clean, you'll have your weekends off unless there's an important event that requires your presence, you'll get your weekly payme

seconds and then she let out a short

serious," she s

he offer, Miss Reeves, my job is just to fin

it was reall

ckly stood and followed behind

ing me to be a

nt," Eithan

oss, and I would be paid

u're interested..." he paused as they waited on

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