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And Yes, I Can Live Without You

And Yes, I Can Live Without You

Author: Lili Anne

Chapter 1 ONE

Word Count: 1133    |    Released on: 03/04/2024

her. Her wide eyes met David Waylen, a thin lawyer clad in a thick suit too hot for th

m with her fat hand. "What t

re certain legal actions he can decide to take in order for the phrase to be withdrawn," he noticed the alertness in her eyes. "However, Mrs Sinclair, it is a very risky vent

phrase but there is only a slight chance it will


him. As she stood, she searched hastily through her le

possible what can be done about that stupid phrase," she adjusted her purse on her arm and moved to the do

ear from you in two days time, Mr Waylen, or else..

ndkerchief from his breast p

r face and expected you to do things that were impossible. He stared at the bundle before him and

airs when Mrs Sinclair came down. He quickl

ere crowded so the driver had wisely turned on the

aited for her to get settled be

r who nodded and awoke the engine. Th

ho had been at the forefront of the whole thing. It was obviously going to be a huge success in the long run since they had had their fair share of the ups and downs involved in owning a company and there may or may not have been boodle paid t

he ushers were mounting queue checke

e with satisfaction and moved

ood from her large zebrano de

'am," she bo

Is Con

eft for the airport t

that sounded like a grunt and

d her eyes a

tylist greeted a

dress ready f

produced a purple sil

t as though it had been

thing light and comfortable,

nd disappeared behin

ing room and heade

bove the bed and opposite that was a large television that had never been used. A grand piano stood at one corner of the room with its keys cov

ced around the room. She wondered how stupid Conr

table and forcefully too

ces of his property! Just a few estates!

d massaged the fat folds of

exactly what he was going to do. She wasn't his mother anyway, and he had spent years establishing that fact. And how the hell would she even explain how she had managed to get a copy of Conrad's will withou

dismissively. He was not very useful. How could a bor

er been sensible, but gladly, he wasn't going

membered something. She took out h

pause. "I want you at

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